Covid, Switzerland, closes bars, restaurants and sports centers for a month. Register of infections in Germany: 33,777. Slovak Prime Minister is positive


I get infected in Germany continue to increase registering a new record. For the second day in a row the Robert Koch Insitut registers more than 30 thousand cases in 24 hours, 33,777 to be precise, with 813 dead. This while the government of Sedan expect more comforting numbers in the coming weeks after the adjustment decided by Angela Merkel who opted for a semi-lock throughout the holiday period, until January 10. But the data published by the image that nowhere do so many Covid patients die as in nursing homes for the elderly. In an article titled The coronavirus catastrophe in elderly care we read that in the land of Sedanfor example, from October 1 to mid-December there were 422 victims in nursing homes, that is, 63% of the total. TO HamburgThere were 136, which means 65% of the total victims of the Hanseatic city. Nello Schleswig-Holstein the reported participation is even 90%.

Also close everythingAustria that records numbers death record: In the week between November 30 and December 6, 2,536 people died, one of the highest values ​​in the last 50 years, with a quarter of the deaths directly attributable to the coronavirus. Then the country on December 27 returns to total lock for the third time since the start of the pandemic: shops, bars and restaurants closed and a 24-hour curfew. The novelty is mass projection, scheduled for January 16 and 17. Only those who fail will be able to leave as of January 18, when stores and restaurants will open. Those who do not undergo rapid swab remain in quarantine for another week. Even schools will only reopen on January 18.

Also tight Switzerland, where as of December 22 all restaurants, gyms and sports centers will close for a month in an attempt to stem the rise in coronavirus cases. The government has also urged the population to stay home as long as possible, given that Covid cases in Switzerland and neighboring Liechtenein they have exceeded 400 thousand and the victims are more than 6 thousand. “The objective is to reduce the number of cases clearly and quickly to protect people from the virus, ensure health care and relieve hospital personnel,” explains the executive in a statement, underlining that the epidemiological situation in the country is “worrisome”.

The Rt spread of Covid infections returned above the critical threshold of 1 in UK after last month. This is certified by estimates updated today by government consultants. Boris johnson, which indicates an average of 1.1-1.2 against the previous 0.9-1. The index had fallen below level 1 as a result of the national lockdown imposed in England until 2 December. While the Sweden, for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, recommends the use of More expensive by public transport.

And in france Emmanuel macron leaves the Elysee after testing positive for coronavirus and will continue his quarantine at the official residence of the heads of state “La Lanterne”, in Versailles. The presidency stresses that Macron, who left without the première dame Brigitte“He can isolate himself and keep working.” The head of state, who must remain in solitary confinement for at least 7 days, has the cough and complains loudly fatigue And a little temperature. But among the participants in the European Council in which the French president made it known that he was infected, the cases of positivity increase: the Slovak prime minister Igor Matovic is infected.

Meanwhile, the Brazil re-record more than a thousand deaths in one day for Covid-19, a figure that had not been exceeded since September 15. The victims in the last 24 hours have been 1,092, according to the Ministry of Health, with 69,826 infections. Despite this, the president Jair bolsonaro jokes about Vaccine for COVID-19 produced by Pfizer reiterating that it will not vaccinate and warning the population against possible side effects. “I am not going to get vaccinated and some fool says that I am a bad example. But I already have the virus and I have antibodies, why should I get vaccinated? Safe Harbor, in the state of Bay. “Pfizer was clear: we are not responsible for side effects. If you turn into an alligator it’s your problem, if you become a superman it’s your problem if a woman grows a beard it will be her problem. They are not responsible. And what is worse alter the immune system of people ”, he concluded.

But the country’s Supreme Court has extended to individual state governors and mayors the possibility of imposing therequired vaccination against Covid-19, under pain of administrative sanctions, even if they also declared forced vaccination unconstitutional. According to the speaker, Ricardo Lewandowsky“Forced vaccination of the population is clearly unconstitutional but public health cannot be compromised by individual decisions.”

U.S – The United States has once again registered a high number of more than 3,200 deaths and almost 250,000 new coronavirus infections in one day, according to data from the American University of Johns Hopkins. In the last 15 days, the threshold of 200 thousand daily cases was exceeded 12 times. Instead, it is the fourth time in ten days that the United States has crossed the threshold of 3,000 daily deaths.

Russia – In Russia in the last 24 hours there have been 28,552 infections of Covid-19 and 611 deaths caused by the disease: reports the national anti-coronavirus operations center.

Ukraine – Confirmed Covid-19 cases continue to increase in Ukraine, where 12,630 new infections and 260 deaths from the disease have been detected in the last 24 hours.
