
Stay the number of infections in Campania is stable, it stopped at about 900 new positives per day in the last two days, at about 15 thousand swabs. While the number of cured is still high daily, between 2,000 and 3,000 a day. Positive data, confirming the good outcome of the contagion containment measures adopted by the Government and the Region. Meanwhile, on Sunday, December 20, the order of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, on the orange zone of Campania will expire. And it is expected today the classification has been updated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità based on the trend of infections in the last two weeks. The assumption is that Campania may return to the yellow zone, as happened in November, with the first classification.
On December 21 the movement block is activated
But the transition would still be very short, considering that However, on December 21, the new restrictions at the national level, provided for by the last Dpcm of December 6, which provide for the blocking of movements throughout Italy during the period of the Christmas holidays, until January 6, with more squeezes on the days of Christmas and New Years. Not only: The Government is also thinking of a new Dpcm that will establish, from December 24 until Befana, an orange or red zone throughout the country.. The CTS, in fact, asked Palazzo Chigi not to loosen its grip and to ensure that, during the holidays, there are more checks and more restrictions, also in light of the latest data indicating the Rt index, the rate of contagion. of the virus, rising slightly.
December 27, Vaccine Day in Campania
the December 27, on the other hand, also in Campania there will be the Vaccine day for Covid19, in which the first doses of Pfizer vaccine to the first people. In Campania the arrival of 135 thousand doses, with the first charge communicated by the extraordinary commissioner for the Coronavirus emergency Domenico Arcuri. The first vaccines will be reserved for medical and nursing staff and seniors in nursing homes. The Pfizer vaccine then requires a booster after about a month, so it will take another 135,000 doses for the vaccine to take effect. The Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De LucaHowever, he complained a lot, considering the offer below expectations for Campania, not being based on a percentage of the population. Other regions, such as Emilia Romagna, for example, despite having more than a million fewer inhabitants than Campania have had about 40,000 more doses.
The situation of infections in Campania in the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, they are 927 new coronavirus infections in Campania, compared to 15,130 swabs tested in the past 24 hours. Of these, 62 are symptomatic and 865 are asymptomatic. The positivity rate today is therefore equal to 6.12%, compared to a value of 9.52% in the region since the start of the pandemic, with a total of 177,527 infections in 1,860,023 swabs analyzed. Figures that certify, therefore, the decrease in infections in the region, which in the next few hours could become a yellow zone, net of new restrictions imposed by the central government and by the Campania Region itself in view of the holidays.
On the other hand, there are 1,656 hospitalized for CoViD-19 in ordinary hospital wards, in addition to 119 hospitalizations in intensive care. The number of cured in the last 24 hours is equal to 2,530 cases, bringing the total to 88,502 people negative for the virus. The deaths registered on the last day are instead 48, which brings the total to 2,472 people have died since the start of the pandemic. Therefore, December has already become the second most tragic month from the point of view of deaths, behind the second in November, which, in 30 days, registered 1,045 deaths. A tragic average, therefore, that of the last months of the year, which registered a record of deaths in Campania as had not been seen at all since the beginning of the pandemic.
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