the organizational machine is already configured


The new phase comes to life, the end of the fight against the Coronavirus. In fact, the Emilia-Romagna Region is ready to begin the first phase of the vaccination campaign, which will begin in early January, as soon as the first vaccine, produced by Pfeizer, is delivered to the territory. Based on the number of doctors who intervene in the distribution of the administration centers, each procedure has already been defined to allow the vaccination of those who have been considered – and thus indicated by the ministry – the categories to which it is most urgent to administer the vaccine: all the personnel of the hospitals, public and private, and local social and health centers, from health workers to technicians, administrators, as well as general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice; volunteers and employees of associations and emergency activities of social transport; the whole world of residential facilities for the elderly, both operators and guests.

In this first phase, there are about 180 thousand people who potentially, since there is no obligation, can be vaccinated, for a total of more than 360,000 administrations; in fact, two doses are planned for each vaccination, starting in early January and within a maximum period of 46 days (23 for the vaccine and the same number for the booster); but it is estimated that 18 are sufficient for each one of the operations. Therefore, we are talking about an average of about 10,000 vaccines a day. An impressive vaccination campaign, which the Region, in agreement with the local health authorities, has already defined in all aspects. And that for now has received the maximum support: from the first questions about vaccination intentions sent to health personnel, almost all, 96%, have expressed their willingness to be vaccinated.

“The long-awaited vaccine is finally a reality – declared the president of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, and Raffaele Donini, councilor for health policies -. Emilia-Romagna is ready to begin vaccinating healthcare workers and guests in nursing homes, the two categories that have paid a heavy price in terms of illness, death and pain during the first two epidemic waves, and they must be protected first and foremost now that the vaccine is available. We are ready and equipped to deploy an organization that will also have to manage the subsequent mass vaccination campaign for most of 2021, which will require a greater organizational effort. Once again I want to thank the healthcare personnel for their dedication and professionalism so far, and assure that, as an institution, we will be by their side 24 hours a day for the commitment that awaits us in the coming months ”.

“This is really a decisive step – continue Bonaccini and Donini – to begin the path out of the pandemic and finally to rediscover the daily life of our personal and professional relationships, with a thought of great emotion for those who are no longer there. The start of vaccination should not induce us to lower our guard at all, we must all continue to scrupulously observe the necessary instructions to protect ourselves and others until the battle against the virus is won.

“Finally – concluded the president and the councilor – thanks to the health personnel who are answering the question about the intention to vaccinate against Sars-Cov-2 on the company’s websites. On Wednesday, of the 13,425 responses received, 12,894, up to 96%, said they were in favor, an element that fills us with confidence for the times to come ”.

Operating procedures

A single administration point has been defined for each province, with the exception of the province of Bologna, which may have two points, to which we must add the Imola Ausl reference point. The vaccination centers, which will be defined in the next few days, must be located outside the hospital facilities, or in any case in areas where the entry or exit of users is not expected; It will also be possible to equip outdoor areas, for example with the tensioned structures provided by Civil Protection and the army, and eventually it will be possible to resort to sports pavilions or exhibition centers.

The facilities must be easily accessible and have ample parking, each one must be guaranteed the presence of an emergency vehicle and everything will be divided into several spaces, one for each phase of vaccination: a first reception area, followed by the completion of the entire administration phase (the user will not take more than 5 minutes in these first operations), then the vaccination area itself (with an expected time of 5 minutes) and finally the post-vaccination observation area , where it will be held for 10 minutes.

Overall, when it comes to vaccinating healthcare workers, about 300 people are currently scheduled for vaccination operations throughout the region, including doctors, nurses, health and social workers, administrators and volunteers. Of course, based on new needs, the staff can be increased. You will work as a team, each made up of at least one doctor, who will act as a contact person, a minimum of five nurses and health aides and no less than two social and health workers, to whom later an administrative and a health worker must be added. minimum of four volunteers. example of Civil Protection, which will be in charge of all operations prior to the session and the management of the post-vaccination observation area.

Each administration center may have several medical teams at work, and the Health Trusts also have the possibility both of modifying the numerical relationships between doctors and nurses and of foreseeing larger work groups; In case of difficulty in finding volunteers, Companies should contact their employees. Each team will work 6 days a week and no more than 8 hours a day, with a minimum of 300 vaccinated people on each shift; if necessary, it will be possible to structure the shifts of the different teams seven days a week, even in the afternoon.

Vaccinations in Senior Facilities

On the other hand, with regard to vaccinations for guests in facilities for the elderly, which are 1,976 in the region, they will be carried out at home in residences: a medical team will travel for large ones, while for smaller organizational reference will be that of Usca.

Each team must operate in such a way that each operator vaccinates at least three people per hour in facilities with a maximum of 50 guests, while for the largest the time can increase to at least 4 vaccinations per hour, also considering the schedule of moving operations. and those of taking charge and preparing the doses.

From the point of view of users, all health personnel who intend to be vaccinated must be booked through a system that will automatically assign two appointments, one for the first and one for the second dose; methods are being defined for RSA guests, with the participation of managers.
