Covid Today: Coronavirus Bulletin December 18. Facts about infections in the Marks


Ancona, December 18, 2020 – The new ones fall contagion and improves the positivity rate, that is, the relationship between cases and evidence. Says this the Covid Newsletter today, December 18, as regards Trademarks. THE positive, in fact, they are 381 (yesterday 467) 3,376 swabs processed in the new diagnostic path: the11.2% against 14.2% yesterday.

The Marche Region Health Service announces that in the last 24 hours they have been tested 5,085 swabs: 3,376 new diagnoses on the way and 1709 cured on the way. In the Antigen Screening Path, 1,620 tests were performed and 74 positive cases were found (to be subjected to molecular swab).

“The Rt factor this week, which then photographs the situation from last week, is 0.9 certifies that there has been a slight decrease compared to the previous week, but above all we note that now there is a stabilization of the curve, now we must understand if it is stopped or if it starts again and grows again, this is an aspect that we are checking . As for this week, we are in a slightly higher figure, but that basically indicates a static figure, last week the figure was ‘distorted’ because the first days were holidays ”. This was stated by the president of the Marche Region. Francesco Acquaroli, apart from an inspection of the Palaindoor de Ancona, where the put on screen in the population with rapid antigenic swabs. “It is a great pleasure to see hospital structures that are relegating significantly and this is a fact that greatly relieves us.” added.

Coronavirus in provinces

The positives are 381 in the new diagnostic pathway: 86 in the province of Macerata, 68 ad Ancona, 113 to Pesaro and Urbino, 65 to Stop, 30 ad Ascoli piceno and 19 from outside the region.

the total infections since the beginning of the epidemic rises to the 36,528.

The origin of infections

Of the 381 new infections, 82 originated in House, 25 at work, 16 in social settings, 5 in care settings, 99 from close contacts with positive people, 6 student concerns and 7 were detected with the health pathway screening. For another 88 cases, epidemiological investigations are still underway.

Yesterday 13 dead

I am 13, after 9 o’clock the other day, the new victims related to Covid-19, all with previous pathologies.

“The rapid antigen swab (video) that we are going to administer in a non-compulsory and free way is not interpreted as a kind of driver’s license to behave indiscriminately during the Christmas holidays ”. Also the president of the Marche Region, Francesco AcquarolI realized the potential risk of setting up a massive screening campaign just before Christmas.

Meanwhile, this morning we start with the Bigger cities, in January the other nuclei with more than 20 thousand inhabitants will follow and finally, between January and February at the latest, the third last phase: the small municipalities. Among the population of the Municipalities of the first phase of the projection, the five provincial capitals and Urbino, the busiest day and the most ‘clicked’ time slot is precisely the one next to Christmas, on the afternoon of December 23rd.

“Hello everyone. The selection began, many reservations and high participation. So good. Thank you from the Marches. “This is the post published on Facebook by the president of the Marches Region, Francesco Acquaroli, the day in the provincial capitals of Marche (and Urbino) the massive screening campaign with rapid antigenic swabs for Covid begins.

“The organization responded impeccably, this first morning was very positive and given the first results, with some positive ones, we can breathe a sigh of relief,” adds the governor, who then arrived at the Palaindoor in Ancona for a It is almost 12:30 when he enters the ‘belly’ of the sports facility. Look around, say hi to the doctors. They give you the first data: in Ancona 728 tampons in four hours, only two positive. “Although the percentage is minimal – Acquaroli observes -, the virus is there, so we must continue to be careful. The detection we are doing is important because we maintain the asymptomatic, those who can increase the wave of contagion ”.

It also started this morning at Ascoli piceno the population screening campaign to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Among the first to take the test at the neighborhood municipal gym Monticelli he was the mayor, Marco Fioravanti, accompanied by the director of Vasta Area 5, Cesare Milani, and by the commander of the traffic police, Patrizia Celani. “So far, some 2,500 people have reserved the tampon – says Fioravanti -. I remind everyone that this screening campaign is free. On the day of the appointment, each citizen must bring their health card and the informed consent form, which be downloaded from the website of the Municipality and submitted already completed, to avoid meetings ”.

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