Crazy idea? Maybe. But not too much. A political and alternative government to Conte bis is possible although not probable. And it is in that “possible” in which the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini (in the photo), is concentrating his energies of maneuver. And he explains his reasoning during an interview with the Italpress agency. On the future of the Conte government, the idea is simple. “I think it will end in nothing and that this constant struggle will lead to wear and tear that will blow everything up. The main route would be elections – explains the leader of the Carroccio, who at the time of the latest policies led the third Italian party but has long been firmly the first political movement with 24% of the votes -, the only alternative A viable center-right government is not led by me. There are economists and businessmen who could accompany the country. “
Political journalists and connoisseurs rushed to sketch an identikit of this “character” to whom to entrust the destiny of the country when Conte resigned. Not the usual (and now bloated) Mario Draghi, but a politician with the curriculum of an expert economist. One, perhaps, very appreciated in the parts of via Bellerio. One like Giulio Tremonti.
“I see in the Senate, but also in the House, many people who started with a strong idea but now say: I can’t take it anymore – Salvini adds during the interview -. I don’t think of organized groups, but there are many people who say that Italy does not deserve these scenes. Perhaps the reference is to groups of potential “responsible”, to whom the “theater of Conte and Renzi” is already indigestible, but who are not willing to close the legislature, after which they would surely find the doors of Montecitorio and Palazzo. Madama prohibited.
Two old political foxes like Francesco Storace and Gianfranco Rotondi give two different views of this suggestive hypothesis, starting from obviously distant positions and sensibilities. “If there was an opportunity – writes Storace in the pages of Time – how could you say no to a parliamentary majority centered on the center right?” The former leader of the Right goes further. Adventure that even Meloni, in case of inability to go to the polls because of Covid, would accept this hypothesis. The exponent of the Christian Democracy, for his part, considers Salvini’s departure as a target. “It is a pretense to reassure many of the center-right who are avoiding the electoral lever. The crises of December and January lead to the vote. However, if Conte falls, normally the parliamentary route will have to be tried. And it is in that passage that Salvini points out, given that the majority today already have fewer votes than 15 months ago. In this sense, the very position of Silvio Berlusconi is of the utmost prudence, therefore, not a priori critical: “We refer to the wisdom of the Hill.”