Coronavirus Basilicata, sharp decline in the contagion curve: the positive incidence in tampons drops 5 points


According to this morning’s summary summary at 10 a.m., 87 positives were found in 1,322 swabs tested. Therefore, the number of confirmed infections decreases both in absolute values ​​-85 and in incidence percentage -5%.

Therefore, the ratio between the positives determined in the swabs analyzed drops to 7.6%. Today there is also a slight decrease in the number of swabs analyzed: 62 compared to yesterday.

The positive aspects found concern: 12 people residing and in isolation in Puglia, 1 person residing and in isolation in Lombardy, 1 person residing and in isolation in Sicily, 3 people residing in Avigliano, 2 in Brienza, 1 in Francavilla in Sinni, 2 in Genzano di Lucania, 1 in Lagonegro, 2 in Latronico, 2 in Lauria, 2 in Lavello, 5 in Marsicovetere, 5 in Matera, 6 in Melfi, 2 in Miglionico, 3 in Muro Lucano, 2 in Nemoli, 2 in Nova Siri, 2 in Palazzo San Gervasio, 2 in Paterno of which 1 in isolation in Marsicovetere, 1 in Pietragalla, 4 in Pomarico, 8 in Potenza, 1 in Roccanova, 1 in Ruoti, 2 in Salandra, 1 in Sant ‘Angelo Le Fratte, 1 in Sant’Arcangelo, 2 Sarconi, 1 in Scanzano Jonico, 2 in Stigliano, 1 in Tito, 2 in Tramutola and 2 in Venosa.

On the same day, 1 resident of Matera died and 108 resident cures were recorded, distributed as follows: 8 in Avigliano, 2 in Corleto Perticara, 11 in Lauria, 45 in Lavello, 1 in Maratea, 1 in Marsico Nuovo, 15 in Melfi, 1 in Moliterno, 3 in Paterno, 8 in Policoro, 1 in Rotonda, 1 in San Fele, 1 in Satriano di Lucania, 1 in Spinoso, 1 in Tramutola, 3 in Valsinni, 1 in Viggianello and 4 in Viggiano.

Furthermore, 1 person who resides in Puglia and in isolation in Policoro, 1 person who resides in Umbria and in isolation in Potenza and 1 person who lives and in isolation in Puglia are cured.

We can say that according to the official report, today’s contagion curve – data from yesterday, December 17 – is unequivocally decreasing, provided that the information provided by the Region is true.

We cannot say that this decline indicates a trend for the next few days, so we must wait at least a week. Considering that last week from December 9 to 15 there was an increase in infections of almost 5% (Positive per 100,000 inhabitants), a national average of 6.4.
