We are closing the definitive measures that we must communicate to the country and that will be taken in the coming days: they foresee a significant tightening between December 24 and January 6“The Minister of Health said: Roberto Speranza, speaking in connection with a meeting organized by Fnomceo (National Federation of Medical Orders).
“The impact on the population of the anti-Covid vaccination will be seen in late spring – added the minister – . This means that we will have to live with the virus for a significant time with the only real weapon we have, which is that of non-pharmacological measures. Hence my attitude of prudence, especially during the 15 days of Christmas to avoid a recreation. Until “until between 10 and 15 million people are vaccinated, the immune effect will continue to be residual,” he continued, “and therefore for several weeks. we will have to maintain a significant level of care ”.
WHO Europe calls to stay home for Christmas to stop the pandemic. In a statement, reports The Guardian, the organization’s director Hans Kluge stressed that it is “not worth it” to go out, with the risk of becoming infected. “There is a difference between what is allowed to be done and what should be done,” he added, thus appealing to the sense of individual responsibility, regardless of the mobility restrictions adopted by governments. “As the Christmas season approaches, the transmission of Covid in much of Europe remains intense and widespread. There have been almost 23 million cases this year,” Kluge said, recalling that the half million mark was surpassed yesterday. of victims, with a mortality rate that “remains at the highest level since the beginning of the year.” “Remember that the safest thing is to stay home,” he added, before the weeks of the Christmas holidays. “Despite the physical distance, we have the possibility of connecting, the many social networking tools that we have at hand facilitate contact,” recalled the head of WHO Europe. “Even if you are separated from loved ones, you are not alone.”
“There is a tendency for a reversal to occur, the RT tends to never go down” and at this time “we must have proactive attitudes to prevent the epidemic from restarting during the vaccination campaign: this is a risk to avoid.” So Gianni rezza, director of prevention of the Ministry of Health, speaking at the Risk Management Forum in Arezzo. “In recent weeks,” he added, “we have seen a positive trend, but now we still have a high number of deaths, we are above the threshold of occupied places in the medical and intensive care areas. RT and incidence are no longer decreasing. In this situation, caution is required. “
“Much will depend on the reopening of schools on the epidemic dynamics in the specific territories. If we said right now that in all of Italy there is no problem, we would say something that must be verified, “he added.” I do not have harmful positions, but I have to evaluate the dynamics day by day, because at the same time I restart many activities. it can be risky ”. Therefore, he concludes, we must proceed “in small steps and allow certain reopening where possible, assessing case by case.”
“For now, the inclusion of children in the vaccination campaign is not planned – he is stressed. . And this for several reasons: I am not aware of any experiments with children. They are also less susceptible to Sars-Cov-2 and more rarely have serious symptoms and illnesses. Third, they have not been identified as a population that supports the transmission of infection in the community. “