“Ten months after the start of the pandemic, there are too many delays, uncertainties and lack of homogeneity in the health reorganization. These are mistakes that we cannot afford to repeat in the face of the great challenge that we all expect from the distribution of anti-Covid vaccines. Other countries are already in operation, while Italy continues to have difficulties with flu vaccines. In many sectors, not only in the health sector, the uncertainty with which the country moves is what worries citizens the most. ”Criticism, against the management global emergency by the government, comes from the second position of the state, the president of the Senate Elisabetta Alberti. Casellati, who met with the parliamentary press today for the usual Christmas holiday wishes.
An intolerance towards the executive, manifested by Casellati, which was not limited to the Covid chapter, but also involved the field of relations with Parliament and the use of the decree, which had already been at the center of his previous criticisms of the executive. However, it is on the rules to follow during the festive period where the most incisive push comes, when the president emphasizes that “families do not know today if, when and with whom they will be able to live Christmas. It is incomprehensible that Italians do not know how to behave “. . Even strict rules, but certain, because it is unimaginable that at the last moment we are faced with the fact of not being able to bring a wish to an elderly father, alone and perhaps even sick ”.
On the front of economic measures, also in the discourse of the Casellati, as it was yesterday for the president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, the question of the use of the resources of the Recovery Fund, but above all the concern to protect the prerogatives of Parliament in the decision-making process, with an open reference to the hottest topic: “I do not believe – said the president – that no control room or any group of experts can replace the necessary decisions of Parliament. We cannot allow ourselves to be wrong. As with the Marshall Plan, the opportunity of the Recovery Fund only It occurs once in history. Disperse the available resources in a thousand unproductive streams would be an unforgivable mistake, which would end up falling on the shoulders of our children and grandchildren. “
“An ’emergency financing’ based on public welfare interventions is not the response the country expects. Rather, it is necessary to work on a ‘Project Italy’ that looks to the future, guaranteeing real prospects for growth and development. Parliament must regain its centrality, guarantee transparency and the real participation of citizens in the decision-making process. I am aware – he added – that we are going through an exceptional situation, but I hope that the legislation no longer proceeds as in the Ristori decree-law. We experience a concatenation of up to four multiple content provisions merged into a single text through government amendments and subamendments. It was not only difficult to read, but also to verify the admissibility of the amendments.
The centrality of the Chambers – said the president – is not incompatible with the speed of decision-making. Political will is enough. Which possibly means collaboration between the majority and the opposition. To date, we have not yet seen great results. “The risk, for Elisabetta Casellati, is that a stagnation, in the face of a fierce crisis like the one that the pandemic is experiencing, leads to” uncontrolled social unrest “, that can only be avoided” preventing inequalities from worsening even more, protecting the weakest sectors of the population “. some experts disseminated by the media, not infrequently contradicting each other”, “which have generated serious disorientation and confusion in public opinion on the management of the health emergency “.” It is necessary – he concluded – that there be an official voice of the Government, which passes from access to the reports of the Scientific Technical Committee.