The new grip of Christmas runs the risk of costing about ten billion restaurants, Pub me shops. Among the most affected is the restaurant sector, which, thanks to the Christmas lunch alone, has a turnover of almost 300 million in a normal year and which, due to new limitations, may lose another three billion euros between December 25 and the beginning of January. billing euro. Italy in the red light district at Christmas e New Year On the other hand, it will mean 7,000 million losses for the retail sector due to the non-purchase of goods and products, calculates Confesercenti. December has always been a milestone for hotels too: in 2019 the hotel They had a turnover of 4 billion during the Christmas period, a good part between Christmas and Epiphany.
Shops and bars, go to the refreshment points: “Bonus up to 25 thousand euros”, the plan of 51 million of the Lazio region The admitted categories
“Due to the climate of uncertainty, there is more at this time one hundred thousand restaurants with full refrigerators facing the Christmas lunch and that in case of a total red zone they will have to throw away more or less 200 million euros of food already bought ”, explains the general director of Fipe-Confcommercio Roberto Calugi. Many catering companies prior to the virus generated 20 percent of their annual turnover in December. “If the sector remains stationary even on holidays, more than half of the catering companies will not be able to face the extended taxes until April, since the soft drinks are not enough to cover the losses in the least,” continues the representative of the Italian Federation of Public Exercises. It rains in the wet. The sector has already seen its turnover reduced by 40 percent this year.
At least 60,000 catering companies at risk of closure and nearly 300,000 jobs currently in balance. Suppliers are also in crisis: it is expected that in December purchases of food raw materials by restaurateurs will be less than 100 million euros compared to the same period last year. Equally dramatic is the situation of hotels, which this year according to Federalberghi estimates show an 80 percent drop in billing. This month the hotel sector will lose another 4,000 million: in total, the sector will have to settle for a total turnover of less than five billion euros in 2020, compared to twenty billion a year ago.
Finally, Italy in the red zone at Christmas worries Confesercenti. “A freeze between Christmas, New Year and Epiphany would mean a loss of 10 billion euros for businesses and public establishments, of which approximately 3 billion in consumption in bars, restaurants and other catering establishments and 7 billion in purchases of goods and products “, explains the general secretary of Confesercenti Mauro Bussoni to the Messenger. In commerce and tourism, recalls Confesercenti, around 150,000 companies are at risk of closure due to Covid, of which 70,000 businesses and 80,000 activities related to accommodation and catering, for a total of 450,000 jobs.
“I know emergency shutdown it should be, the Government is committed to supporting companies with adequate, safe and immediate relief ”, continues the general secretary of Confesercenti. There is still total uncertainty about the aid stations that will be granted for the month of December and given that so far the previous ones have covered in the best of cases only 25 percent of the losses suffered by closed activities, the entrepreneurs are anything but optimistic.
Last update: 12:23