In an Italy that is now all yellow, the risk of exodus is now very high. This has just started, in fact it is the last weekend before December 21st. That is, the date indicated by the decree law of December 3 (the dpcm) to block displacements interregional even between yellow regions until January 6, unless there are valid reasons (including the possibility of returning to one’s residence).
The danger is, therefore, that thousands of people, by car, train or plane, take the opportunity to return to their region of origin where they do not usually live or perhaps to go to the houses of friends and relatives to spend the day. Christmas. A known risk, so much so that for a long time in these days of political brawl over the measures to be imposed during the holidays there has been talk of the possibility of intervening on this weekend in which the only limit is the curfew from 22 to 5 in the morning. One possibility eventually fell through due to prolonged discussions between the various souls of the executive.
In addition, there is also the fact that in all probability today, Friday December 18, the usual appointment with the weekly monitoring of data by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità suggests to the Ministry of Health to bring Campania, Tuscany, back to the yellow zone . , Valle d’Aosta and autonomous province of Bolzano. In practice, as of Sunday December 20, only Abruzzo would remain orange (with travel ban between Regions). A green light that for these territories would last about 24 hours, until next Monday.
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In any case, even as of December 21, it will always be possible to move between Regions if you can self-certify the movement with valid reasons. Not only the now “classic” study, work and health, the needs considered acceptable include a whole series of cases ranging from reunite with your spouse in their usual home (even if it is not the designated residence) or, in the case of separated parents, join the minor child entrusted to the ex-spouse (obviously taking into account the commitments assumed respectively during the separation phase).
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Reasons that, except for surprises, will also be valid during the days of the “red zone” that is about to be established by Palazzo Chigi. Despite the prohibition of interregional travel and between municipalities that will be established, either a continuous period from December 24 to January 3, or if the alternate period route is preferred (24-25-26-27 in the red zone as 31-1-2-3), the return to the residence or domicile will always be allowed. Unlike, for example, trips to second homes. In fact, to reach these, unless there are urgent needs such as mandatory structural works or they are not located within the same region of residence, it will be necessary to travel before December 21.
Last updated: 10:54