Little Di Matteo’s jailer returns to his cell – Sicilia


Giuseppe Costa is accused of mafia association

He was arrested again by the Carabinieri of Trapani and by Dia staff on charges of mafia association. Giuseppe Costa, one of the little jailers Giuseppe Di Matteo who had already served twenty years in prison for the kidnapping and murder of the twelve-year-old son of the repentant Mario Santo. Investigators also searched Costa’s house, in the town of Purgatorio di Custonaci, where he had built the masonry ‘cell’ that was used to keep the child segregated, then brutally murdered and dissolved in acid by order of Giovanni brusca.

The new order was issued by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate. Costa, for the kidnapping of Di Matteo, was arrested and remained in prison from 1997 to 2007, during which time he received financial support from the mafia families without ever collaborating with the investigators. Immediately after his release, according to investigations coordinated by the Palermo DDA, he resumed relations with the leaders of the Mafia districts of Trapani and Mazara del Vallo, playing a role in the illegal award of contracts, in real estate speculations and carrying out on behalf of the clans. acts of intimidation. According to the researchers, he also participated in the gathering of votes for the regional elections in autumn 2017 and assumed the role of controller and guardian of the interests of Cosa Nostra in a concrete plant in the province of Trapani.