With the Budget Law, the 2021 car voucher: next year they will be fine 490 million available by purchasing electric vehicles, I also expected a new incentive for the purchase of Euro 6, vehicles that are scrapped should continue to have at least 10 years (Check out our special bonus page and join the discussion on our Facebook group.)
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2021 car bond refinanced in the Budget Law
Car voucher 2021: the incentives dedicated to the purchase of electric cars, hybrids but also euro 6 with annex scrapping of a more polluting vehicle. Specifically, the resources with which the Bond is refinanced with the Budget Law 2021 amount to 420 million euros: 120 million go to electric and hybrid cars, 250 million to Euro 6 (gasoline and diesel) with thermal engines and, finally, 50 million to commercial vehicles.
Auto Incentive Bonuses: How Will They Work?
Incentive bonus for cars also in 2021. Therefore, theEcobonus should go up to 10,000 euros for cars with CO2 emissions between 0 and 60 g / km. On the other hand, for Euro 6 cars with CO2 emissions between 61 and 135 g / Km, the discount can reach a maximum of 3,500 euros (It will be valid during the first 6 months of 2021, in practice, until next June). The two amounts include the discount that can be applied directly by the dealer – maximum € 2,000 for “green” vehicles and € 1,500 for Euro 6 vehicles – and the contribution for scrapping.