San Remo, Morgan excluded from the Youth jury – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – ROME, DECEMBER 17 – Morgan excluded from the Television Jury for tonight’s final in San Remo Giovani. The decision, defined in an official note as “very painful”, was taken as a result of “unacceptable behavior”, expressed with offensive statements, public and private, by Marco Castoldi (alias Morgan) in the direction of the artistic director Amadeus and the Organization of the Festival “.

“All this – it is explained – to safeguard the substantial veracity of the tender, preparatory to the selection of the artists of the New Proposals of Sanremo 2021”.

According to the regulations, the votes related to tonight’s competition “will be considered valid in any case since they have been remodeled in 3 instead of 4 juries”.

In a lengthy Instagram post, Morgan lashed out at Amadeus yesterday for his exclusion from the festival.

“Following the announcement of my exclusion from the San Remo festival race,” Morgan wrote, “we will baptize ‘the Christmas package’, or ‘Mozart dance’, due to the unofficially attached goliard motivation, or by ‘artistic choice ‘, which unleashes great hilarity as words spoken by those who are not artists but above all not accompanied by any motivation about the merits of the songs that have been proposed, although this is logical because this commission above all has no experience in the musical field so I couldn’t argue, but mostly because I think the songs were not heard. And all this is decidedly comical ”(ANSA).