“Schools will not reopen on January 7.” She is sure of that Veronica gentili that ad Agora speaks of an Italy adrift. “If we are not politically disciplined, the third wave is taken for granted and students will not be able to go back to school. They have already paid the duty.” In order not to help the continuous internal conflicts in the majority: “The fact that there are continuous pressures, with a The weak prime minister doesn’t help. We need clear rules, “thunders the crowd of Italy tonight today guest on Rai 3.
In fact, the clash between Giuseppe Conte me Matteo renzi, with the latter willing to do anything to get your requests met. Pay the high price for the state of mind of the government, the citizens. The productive sectors will inevitably suffer a setback ”. In short, the conclusion can only be a reproach to the prime minister and the Giallorossi: “We made questionable decisions,” that’s all. And one wonders: Marco Travaglio you will have heard what Veronica Gentili, firm of Daily occurrence Who directs, about his student Giuseppe Conte?