Dpcm Christmas and when Conte speaks: the latest news and times – Chronicle


Rome, December 17, 2020 – Expectation grows for him new Christmas Dpcm, with measures to limit the spread of Covid during the holidays. At the moment it is stagnant. A meeting of the Council of Ministers It is also expected that tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. he will face the Regions and today with Italia Viva, who after tonight’s meeting awaits the prime minister’s responses. Therefore, the new measures, government sources explain, should be launched tomorrow, or Saturday at the latest.

Coronavirus, the newsletter for December 17

“We must make decisions to protect the most vulnerable and the elderly, at the cost of bordering on unpopularity. We will have to spend Christmas each in their own home,” said the Minister of Regional Affairs. Francesco Boccia interviewed by Sky Tg24. Boccia added: “Those who hypothesize about dinners are very wrong.” Boccia explains that Christmas “is more risky than Ferragosto” because today the RT is higher than when Italy came out of the confinement in May and because the most difficult winter months still await us.

Pending the summit between the Prime Minister and the head of delegation, where it is convenient to define the measures, the Ministry of the Interior announces that “specific services have been planned in the road and motorway network and, to avoid crowds, in railway stations, ports and airports, as well as in public transport terminals.” Controls in restaurants and nightlife areas have also been strengthened.

Many also wonder when conte speaks, as evidenced by the increasing research in this regard in search engines. Actually, at the moment, there is no indiscretion. On this front, everything postponed until tomorrow.

However, the most likely hypothesis for now is that of a hard confinement only holidays and days before holidays (December 24, 25, 26 and 27; December 31, January 1, 2 and 3) with a yellow zone the rest of the days.

Here is the detailed, but of course tentative schedule, based on this approach

In-depth analysis: red zone at Christmas: what are the rules if Italy enters a lockdown?
