ROME. The anti-Covid Christmas squeeze is coming. The red zone will begin December 24-25-26, Sundays January 27, 31 and 1 and then the weekend of January 2-3. Holidays like never before. On January 7, then, says Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, everything possible will be done to restart the school: “There is a lot of work going on.” Tomorrow afternoon there will be a meeting of the Council of Ministers and the government could proceed with a decree, according to a majority parliamentary source.
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Today the decision
A “red” Christmas and New Year’s Eve: eight days closed at home, with their partners, with trips reduced to a minimum and restaurants, bars, shops closed. 680 dead and more than 17 thousand infected only in the last 24 hours. It is the fact that drives the “concern” of the CTS, as the coordinator Agostino Miozzo reiterates: it is necessary to stop the “potential risks” that would arise from the meeting of families around a table.
We are moving towards «a very consistent closure, like the red zone, on some days like the days before the holidays and holidays of this Christmas phase. Consequently, on December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 and then on January 1, 2 and 3 ”, explains the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Matteo Mauri.
The prime minister is preparing to sign a new dpcm by the hour (he still doubts whether or not it is necessary to accompany it with a decree law). It is debated whether it is not convenient to close next weekend, 19 and 20, when there is still no prohibition to move between the yellow regions and there is a risk of a maxi-exodus. But the idea seems to be fading, the Interior Ministry has advised against it: the danger of flight from cities and tensions is too strong, if the blockade is triggered. Another impracticable hypothesis for the Ministry of the Interior – but which is probed in the meeting – is that of the controls inside the houses, to avoid organizing parties in farmhouses and villas. Until the end, it is debated when the restrictions should really be “from the red zone”, if to allow the opening of some stores, if to allow bars and restaurants to function at least partially.
There’s also the school issue: is it appropriate for high school students to go back to 75% in class on January 7? Measures “fair” for all are being examined, which do not allow a citizen of Rome to travel tens of kilometers and force the inhabitant of a small town to stay in an area without a supermarket. First the new Dpcm, then for the government it will be time for a new snack decree. The government is evaluating the possibility of an exemption from the travel ban between municipalities and even within the same municipality after the restoration of the red zone for close relatives on the occasion of dinner and lunch on Christmas Eve on the 25th. in any case, it would affect a very small number of family members: two. It is a derogation that would also respond to requests made by local administrators.