Of the migrants, it is “war” in the Chamber the occupied government desks


The government has placed its trust in dl migrants but the fight broke out in the hemicycle. It was chaos in the Chamber while the Minister of Relations with Parliament Federico D’Incà pronounced the formula to place trust in the Security Ter. At that moment the protest rose with shouts and choirs of dissent and then the government representative was forced to stop. Ignazio La Russa, the current vice president, also intervened to try to restore order in one of the most representative rooms of the Italian state.

During Federico D’Incà’s speech we witnessed what, in football terms, can be defined as a ‘invasion of the field. Some opposition senators rose from their seats to join the tables of government representatives. For Ignazio La Russa it was inevitable to suspend the session shortly after and request the intervention of the Quaestors. In light of the brawl, the hypothesis of a necessary repetition of trust is outlined. The fight was big in the Senate, so much so that internal sources have reported that Minister Federico D’Incà would also have thrown himself at times of maximum turmoil in the Chamber.

The president of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Dario Parrini, recounted what would have happened in the Senate: “While the Minister of Relations with Parliament announced the position of the trust issue in the Security and Immigration decree, the Northern League assaulted take the microphone out of his hand and prevent him from speaking. A cowardly act of parliamentary squad tolerated (who knows why to be a squad, but if you think about it you can also imagine why) by the current president Ignazio La Russa. General outrage. A very serious thingMario Perantoni, president of the Chamber’s Justice Commission and M5 deputy, also intervened:Scenes from twenty years we have seen today in the Senate. Squad-style regurgitation within a parliamentary chamber is intolerable. Full solidarity with the Minister of Relations with the Parliament Federico D’Incà“.

In these minutes new details are emerging about the fight also from the opposition. It seems that everything was born after the intervention of the minority presenter Simone Pillon, in Lega Fuerza. At that time, Federico D’Incà would have asked to speak to place the trust. “A unjustifiable act, an unprecedented forcing“informed a senator who was in the Chamber at the time. The Minister of Relations with Parliament Federico D’Incà, in fact, would have asked to intervene before there was a general discussion in the Chamber and not at the end, but rather it’s practical. Realizing D’Incà’s intentions, La Russa would have tried to stop him: “You want to do? The general discussion is about to begin“The opposition senators argue that at that time the minister confirmed his intentions.”displacing those present“. The vice president on duty explained to the minister that the government has the freedom to intervene in everything except”he knows it’s irrational“before the general divattuto takes place.
