Big Brother VIP, “Giulia Salemi in heat.” Elisabetta Gregoraci, the phrase that triggers the delirium – Libero Quotidiano


Between Elisabetta gregoraci me Giulia Salemi there was never good blood: daily fights in the Big Brother Vip, the reality show presented by Alfonso Signorini in Canale 5. Failure of a text message sent by Giulia to Elisabetta’s ex, Flavio briatore, and some attention also snatched Pierpaolo Pretelli at the neo-entrance. Since its release, Gregoraci has not laid down his arms and, in fact, seems even more “sharp.” During a lifetime in Tik Tok with former roommate Francesco Oppini, Ely reports the comments of some of her followers particularly “spicy” with Giulia: “They write to me that Salemi is in heat, I don’t know what’s going on there. They’re already doing 24 I don’t know … “Words deemed inappropriate, out of place and vulgar by many commentators, who asked Elizabeth to apologize.

Giulia invited by Briatore.  Bomb Gf Vip, the friend reveals everything: what is behind the Salemi-Gregoraci crash.  Officer, this is the fight
