Renzi writes to Conte: “Let’s reopen the schools. We need tampons and vaccines, not benches on wheels.”



Matteo Renzi writes to Conte and also talks about school, highlighting critical issues and above all the importance of returning to class in presence.

In the long letter that the leader of Itali Viva, Matteo renzi, sent to the prime minister Giuseppe Conte, we also talk about “school tragedyWhich, in the opinion of the former prime minister, should be resolved with options that go towards a reopening in presence.

Our children have not been to school for two months: it is a tragedy, President, a tragedy. There are the responsibilities of the Regions, of course; those of public transport not organized in time; the serious mistake of having closed the mission unit in school buildings that today everyone says they want to reopen“.

Renzi points out in his letter that “There is a fact: our children have lost a year compared to German or French children. Because they keep schools open, unlike us. It is an inheritance of lost skills, of lost relationships, of broken humanity.“.

Still: “Over the years, we will measure the psychological damage for this generation doomed to loneliness in a season when relationship is everything.“.

So here is the invitation to work to reopen schools: “the Germans and the French are no better than us: if they managed the school emergency in time, we try to do it too. We recognize that swabs and vaccines are needed, not wheelbases and self-certifications. Distance learning, President, is a defeat for everyone. But for us politicians and parents, it is a double defeat“.

Back to school on January 7 on the scale, Conte: we work on transport and schedules, the classrooms are not abuzz

