Dl security, fight in the Senate after the trust requested by the government – Politics


The government put the vote of confidence in the security decree that the Senate was considering, but the fight broke out, many senators gathered near the government seats and the classroom was suspended. Immediately after the minority report and therefore at the start of the debate, the Minister for Relations with Parliament Federico D’Incà took the floor announcing the request for a vote of confidence. At that point Ignazio La Russa, who is presiding over the room, probably interrupted him because the minister had not asked to speak and decided to suspend the assembly.

The President of the Senate Elisabetta casellati called the conference of group leaders, following the brawl that broke out in the House immediately after the government requested a vote of confidence on the security decree. Therefore, the classroom remains suspended.

League senators occupy the government seats in the Senate hall in protest of the vote of confidence cast by the government in the security decree before discussion of the provision began. To confirm this to Ansa, the party leader, Maximilian Romeo. “They occupied because the government prevented us from discussing the decree, even before the discussion began,” he explained. Then, against those who force and close the parliamentary debate, we respond by occupying the seats of the Chamber ”.

With the report of the Senator of the Democratic Party Valeria Valente, one of the majority speakers, the Senate room had begun the examination of the security decree, already approved by the House.
“Today we are trying to close a page opened 2 years ago about an emergency announced and in my opinion a wrong immigration equation is insecurity. Now a different page is opening inspired by the values ​​of solidarity – Valente said – It is a first step. There was much discussion in the Chamber and even here it could seem like a formality, it was not like that ”.