the government will decide shortly, after a face to face with the Regions and a new update with the forces of most, how to modulate the close in Christmas time. The most likely hypothesis is that of a Red zone which will basically last 8 days and it will be divided into two sections, coinciding with i Holidays me before the holidays. The days with the strictest rules will therefore be the December 24-25-26-27-31, l ‘January 1st and then the weekend of 2-3. If this is the final decision, the discussion is still open, the Council of Ministers is scheduled for Friday, this is what can be done (and when) between Good night and theEpiphany.
December 19-20 – Those who plan to leave can do it and we can Move freely on the whole National territory Except in Abruzzo, Tuscany, Campania, Bolzano Province me Aosta Valley, the only Region at the moment orange while the others are all in the yellow zone. After the meetings seen last weekend the attention is maximum especially in the big cities, where many could still pour themselves into the streets of the historic center for it purchases Christmas, also thanks to the initiative of refund of money: a Milan, the Public Order and Safety Committee has established the admissions quota to Vittorio Emanuele Gallery and more checks have been announced almost everywhere, especially in seasons and in airports. In Veneto, Governor Luca Zaia has established a ban on moving between municipalities from 2 pm.
December 21-22-23 – From Monday travel ban between Regions: you can move from one territory to another just for work, necessity or urgency and return to yours residence, home OR living place. However, mobility within their own region is granted to those who intend to reach the Second home within your region you can. It will be the last three days for Christmas shopping, with the shops open until 9 pm with uninterrupted hours and anti-collection measures. And they will also be the only days of the week that you can still go ristorante at lunch (tables with no more than four people) and at Pub until 18.
December 24-25-26-27 – Since Good night The national red zone should be activated: all regions will have to close shops, bars and restaurants. Open, with the usual holiday hours, only on food, the pharmacy, me tobacco, kiosks me libraries. All forbidden displacements even within the municipality itself except for reasons of need, work or urgency. You can go out to go to mass or assisting those who are not self-sufficient, but not to go home to relatives. At stake, at this point, is a possible humiliation by two family members.
December 28-29-30 – Reopen for these three days: shops always close their shutters until 9:00 p.m., bars and restaurants until 6:00 p.m. The prohibition to move between regions remains, but the possibility of moving within their own territory returns Only in Abruzzo, if it remains orange, bars and restaurants will remain closed and you will not be able to leave your municipality except for work, health and necessity reasons.
January 31-1-2-3 – The red zone returns, with the same rules of Christmas days, to avoid the celebrations of New Year.
January 4-5-6 – It reopens and the regulations for shops and bars in the yellow zone and, if necessary, theAbruzzo, Tuscany, Campania, Bolzano Province me Aosta Valley, those in the orange zone, provided that the weekly monitoring did not include a de-escalation of the measures.
From January 7 – return the mobility Between Regions: at this time from this date it will be possible to move freely between the yellow areas in general National territory.