TRENTO. ” He wonders if the The Minister of Health intends to verify the data on Covid infections in Trentino If he the government intends to revise the rules that allows to autonomous regions and provinces to process data in a different way about Covid infection. ” Ends like this the parliamentary question submitted electronically yesterday by the Honorable Member Pierantonio Zanettin, Venetian MP for Forza Italia, in relation to the management of the Covid emergency in the province of Trento.
The question is the one that has brought to light the dolomites already at the beginning of November, tied to the contagion curve that, more or less voluntarily, was kept “ under control ” by Pat throughout the last month thanks to the decision to trust most of the search for positive antigenic swabs, that did not appear in the official counts, and leave molecular, those tracked nationally, the search for residual infections and antigen verificationabout ten days after the discovery of positivity. Here, at this point, we must stay vague because this month we have heard every possible and imaginable version of it: the director of the Apss Ferro Prevention Department on November 4 he explained that you don’t more would proceed to molecular verification of a positive antigen and your immediate isolation would be provided and then checked on the 10th day to see if negativization had occurred.
Fugatti on November 15 lengthened the time and explained, repeating it at a press conference at least four times, that control it happened, when it happened, between 10 and 14 days so almost only to detect negativity supervening. Finally a few days ago the The president explained that they did the verification with the molecular swab before the tenth day. In conclusion three opposite versions (HERE THE VIDEOS that demonstrate it) for a total chaos on the fundamental element of the management of the epidemic in Trentino (which, as is known, has also become a pilot territory with Minister Speranza, precisely for the use of antigenic swabs also in pharmacies and in the public health system).
All this while yesterday the former CEO of APSS and now the current CEO of the ASL of Bologna, Paolo Bordon, explained to the Dolomites that in the rest of Italy the antigenic positive control swab, with the molecular one, it was carried out on the same day or at most the next day, causing all the positives found to appear in the official counts. The story of the last days has reached the pages of Delivery courier and yesterday there too ORF of Austrian television took care of the matter arriving in trento and go directly to the editorial office of il Dolomiti to understand what is happening.
Even the interrogation filed in parliament starts from Dolomite investigations and asks for clarity about a management that, at least, is seemed very dull, especially to the detriment of the people of TrentinoI who for more than a month have not been able to know the full picture of infection in its territory. The scope of the epidemic was underestimated in official communications and in the press conferences of President Fugatti who, despite knowing the complete data perfectly (because the mayors communicated the total of positives for both antigenic and molecular drugs, to its municipalities), has never mentioned that even if vThere were 200/250 positive pitches that day, there was at least triple and it was goodSo don’t be safe and keep your guard up. Instead whenever possible, we celebrated for the “ yellow areas ” Confirmed at the government level (” ghe l’avem fata ” the president exulted), promises to open the ski lifts followed (Rome had to come to assume responsibility), there was talk of wanting to reopen schools in mid-December ( once again it was the ministry that said no).
And the data they are still there to prove that something in Trentino was completely wrong: 50 intensive care, 873 deaths, 464 hospitalizations and only 2,802 current positives against, for example, the neighbor South tyrol that yesterday had 22 intensive care, 370 hospitalizations and 668 deathsi and 10,654 positives.
” Dai data published by the province, and taken up by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health – writes in the parliamentary question Zanettin – to December 12th people infected in Trentino they were very few. The province of Trento registered 2439 infected with Covid, one for every 221 residents, when it borders Bolzano province (having a similar number of inhabitants) ne approximately quadruple registered, 10651. the Veneto at the same time registered 85,093, each 50 inhabitants. These data have enabled the territory Trentino will appear as the most virtuous in Italy, regarding Covid infection, despite having admitted to intensive care n. 8.9 per one hundred thousand inhabitants, against n. 6.5 from Veneto”
” It seems – continues the Honorable Member of Forza Italia – that Trentino has exploited a legal objection, that would have allowed do not notify the Istituto Superiore di Sanità of infected persons identified with a quick swab, who would be placed in fiduciary isolation and subjected to molecular buffer only after ten days, when many of them were already cured. This would explain the notorious, and apparently incomprehensible, differences in contagion between the two neighboring regions. Veneto, on the contrary, has chosen to act immediately with maximum transparency, communicating the results of the quick swabs to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. It is no coincidence that the president of the Veneto Zaia Region complained on several occasions of non-homogeneous criteria in the national territory for the calculation of Covid contagion”