Cashback, ATM payments at risk of refunds exclusion


Pay attention to the payment method for purchases with cashback: those who make electronic payments with debit cards that travel in a dual circuit PagoBancomat / Maestro or PagoBancomat / V-Pay You need to be careful with contactless use of ATMs so you don’t miss out on refunds in the government refund program.

Refund, when ATM payments are excluded

In fact, it would be enough to make that automatic gesture of bring the card closer to Pos run the risk of being excluded from the Christmas bonus in case the payment is made through the international circuit (i.e. Master) instead of the national one (i.e. Pagobancomat). An operation that the consumer himself ignores when performing the transaction.

This was explained by PagoPA, the company that manages the IO application and the technological infrastructure behind the state refunds for purchases paid with digital money. PagoPA admits that “some citizens who have signed up for the initiative through the IO app could detect the non-acquisition of payments made in contactless mode (or that occur when bringing the card to the POS) among the transactions counted as valid for reimbursement “.

The reason? The inconvenience that is causing inconvenience originates from the fact that Master explains the Sole 24 Mineral, has not yet signed the agreement with PA Payment Therefore, the necessary technical implementations have not yet been developed to allow the debit card of the Maestro circuit to be saved in the IO App, except those that can be associated through a “3DS” transaction.

Cashback, what to do to avoid being excluded from refunds

To avoid wasting the Christmas refund opportunity, it’s worth it ask the operator specifically use the Pagobancomat circuit, without bringing the card closer to Pos, that is, without the contactless solution. Alternatively, you must register for cashback through other channels admitted to the initiative with their applications or through their home banking sites, as is already possible to do, for example, with Poste Italiane, Banca Sella, Nexi or Satispay.
