Libya, caught fishermen released after 108 days. Conte and Di Maio in Benghazi. The happiness of the relatives: “For us it is already Christmas”


After 108 days, the captured fishermen were released. Libya. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte and the chancellor Luigi di maio they flew to Benghazi. In fact, it is in the general’s fortress. Khalifa el-Haftar that the crews of two Italian fishing boats have been detained since the beginning of September Mazara del Vallo: 18 people, including 8 Italians, 6 Tunisians, 2 Indonesians and 2 Senegalese. “Have a nice homecoming,” wrote the premier on Twitter Giuseppe Conte, posting a photo of the newly released fishermen. The Prime Minister informed the Republic President he learned with great satisfaction from the Prime Minister the news of the release of our detained fishermen in Libya and expressed his appreciation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our Information and Security Services for their efforts to achieve this positive outcome. “THE our fishermen are free. In a few hours they will be able to hug their family and loved ones again. Thanks to Aise (the our external intelligence) and all the diplomatic corps that worked to bring them home. A hug to the entire community of Mazara del Vallo. The government continues to strongly support Libya’s stabilization process. This is what President Giuseppe Conte and I reiterate today in Haftar, during our meeting in Benghazi, ”is the Chancellor’s post on Facebook.

The family party in Mazara – Meanwhile in Mazara family, friends and colleagues gathered in front of the Municipality where they met the mayor Salvatore Quinci. “The fishermen have already spoken with their families and are on board their two fishing boats Antarctica me Medinea. Even his Muslim colleagues after months managed to exchange a few words with relatives, ”said the mayor. “We are very happy – he added – we know that these are important moments. It is a great day for all of us, we have received news from Benghazi of hectic activity in the port area. We are looking forward to it. ” “We are delighted with this news. It is as beautiful as it is unexpected. Three months spent with family members made us skeptical, but now the nightmare is over. We hope to spend these hours waiting to hug you again. Is the most nice christmas gift for families: joy is all theirs, but also ours ”, says the bishop of Mazata del Vallo, monsignor Domenico Mogavero.

“Today is Christmas for us” – A little later he also spoke Marco Marrone, owner of the Medinea, one of the two fishing boats seized 108 days ago in Libya: “We are waiting for official confirmation but today seems like the right day. For me an absurd emotion, I cried like a baby. Now we are just waiting for confirmation, “he told Radio Capital. When the official news of the liberation reached the city hall, the party broke out: appusi, shouts and tears of joy and lots of hugs. “Today is Christmas for us“Says Mrs. Maria. Her husband, one of the kidnapped fishermen, finally returns home. Gaspare Salvo awaits the return of his father. “Here he is, this one in the red and blue shirt. Bernando Salvo, my father, ”he says, pointing to the group photo of the freed fishermen. “This is the best christmas present. The important thing is to see that my father is well, we are all happy. It is the best gift, there are no words. I can’t wait to hug him ”. “This morning this news brought me back to life after three dark and desperate months. I can’t wait to hug my son again, ”she says. Rosetta incargiola, mother of Pietro Marrone, one of the detainees in Benghazi. “As soon as I heard the news I started to cry,” says Tommaso Macaddino of Fishing for Uila. Meanwhile, the wife of one of the operators of the fishing boat contacted her husband by phone: “Now I have to leave you and end the call, because I have to start the engine of the fishing boat,” said the man. The arrival of the fishermen is expected on Saturday.

Political reactions – The news, of course, was commented on by various politicians. “I am happy for the release of the 18 kidnapped fishermen in Libya. It is a double happiness: as the son of Mazara del Vallo and as a member of a government that, from the first moment, has never stopped working upside down to achieve this result. I thank Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio who made it possible for the fishermen to return with their loved ones. My biggest hug goes to the families of the fishermen ”, says the Guardian of Seals. Alfonso Bonafede. “The fishermen of Mazara del Vallo are returning home, we are waiting for you! Today is a happy day for Italy ”, tweeted the secretary of the Democratic Party. Nicola Zingaretti. “The release of Italian fishermen in Libya is great news. These compatriots will be able to spend Christmas as a family. I invite all political forces not to be controversial and rejoice together, at least today. Long live Italy “, writes the leader of Italy alive on Facebook, Matteo renzi. The opposition does not renounce the controversy. Matteo Salvini first says that “if so, this is a day of celebration for all, without party divisions.” Then he adds: “Some things are done first and then advertised.” Giorgia Meloni instead, he says he does not consider the fishermen’s release as “a victory for Italian diplomacy or politics, because 108 days to free 18 innocent fishermen, who were fishing in disputed waters under international law, is enormous.”
