
The Pope blows out the candles on the cake for his 83rd birthday, in December 2020 – Ansa / Vatican News
Today the Pope turns 84 years old. Jin fact Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires on December 17, 1936, son of Piedmontese emigrants. His father Mario works in the railways, his mother, Regina Sivori, takes care of the house and the education of the five children. Ordained a priest on December 13, 1969 for six years he was provincial of the Jesuits of Argentina. First auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires and later coadjutor archbishop, on February 28, 1998, after the death of Cardinal Quarracino, he succeeded him at the head of the diocese.
Created a cardinal in 2001, he was elected Pope on March 13, 2013. As before, Francisco will live today as if it were a day like any other. For us, however, your birthday becomes an opportunity to tell you one more time. thank you and for accompanying him with prayer in the very difficult task that the Lord has entrusted to him. Best wishes, Holiness, from Avvenire and from each of our readers.
Many personalities who wanted to wish him well. Among them, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who wrote on Twitter: “Congratulations, Pope Francis. We follow with the greatest respect your commitment to a Church of ‘proximity’, always attentive to the needs of the poorest, the most fragile, of the smallest “.
President Sergio Mattarella also wrote to the Pope: “During this terrible pandemic year, Francesco did not let all Italians lack sympathy and solidarity.” And again: “People of different religions in times of trial and loneliness could constantly feel the support and encouragement of the Pope. Catholics, in particular, found comfort and hope in the firm assurance of his generous prayer.”