MESSINA – Dismantled by the Messina financial police, in synergy with the staff of Customs, a criminal association dedicated to smuggling petroleum products between Sicily and Calabria: four precautionary measures, twenty records, seized more than 2.5 million euros. The operation, led by the Messina Public Ministry, is called the “Three Card Game”: the investigations have shed light “on a structured illicit mechanism, under which agricultural diesel is only sold on paper to a farmer, with a minor, it reached third parties who, on the other hand, were not entitled to the preferential tax, such as road carriers. ”A kind of” three card game “, in which the deceived was not a naive customer, attracted by a possible victory, but the state.
The operational arm of the dominus, on the other hand, was made up of the Materano, naturalized from Catania, SG, class 76, in charge of supplying diesel in the fiscal warehouses and preparing false documentation that accompanied the transport, the so-called DAS (Documents Simplified Companions), also under house arrest; of the GM of Barcelona, class 74, owner of a fuel distribution company based in Novara di Sicilia (Messina): he had the role of “commercial agent”, since he was in charge of the identification of buyers and follow-up. areas chosen for the illicit sale of the product. For him, the prohibition measure was ordered to exercise the executive positions of legal persons and companies; Investigators also targeted the 61-year-old Palermo-based DAA, whom the organization trusts and who owns the used articulated vehicle, now subject to seizure, currently only under investigation.
Hidden customers, who operate in the road transport sector and are therefore not beneficiaries of the subsidized diesel, would therefore have benefited from unfair competition vis-à-vis “regular” operators in the same sector: es In other words, they obtained a discount in excise duties equivalent to 78%, buying the subsidized energy product for approximately 0.80 cents per liter. The illicit system was headed by a Dominus, de facto administrator of a company active in the trade of petroleum products, with administrative headquarters in Francavilla di Sicilia (Messina) and registered office in the province of Catania. The owner is MA, 55, of Ancona origin but Sicilian by adoption who, already in bankruptcy of another company in the same sector, is now under house arrest. At the head of the new company, the 55-year-old man has placed a decorative figure, the 57-year-old Sicilian TL: for him a measure that prohibits the exercise of management positions of legal persons and companies.
“You see that there are 11 cardilli with 3 cages,” they said intercepted, referring to the patrols of the financial police, but wiretapping, stalking and video footage of the different phases have configured them. It documented how, in some cases, they failed to formally take over, at the Francavilla di Sicilia warehouse, agricultural diesel (with a subsidized tax), even though it was intended for the benefit of the company, moving it “under the road” for the benefit of buyers finalists who were not entitled to receive this product, or when emptying the tanker’s tanks en route.
It emerged that, between 2017 and 2019, the organization had sold more than 5 million liters of diesel, which should have been subject to a higher tax (for example, diesel fuel or plant fuel), as if it were simple. “agricultural diesel”, which, as is known, discounts a reduced rate. With great benefits acquired by the Sicilian company active in the wholesale trade of petroleum products and a tax saving corresponding to 2,496,117 euros.
In other cases, they took over the denatured diesel for agriculture in the Francavilla di Sicilia depot and later and illegally transferred it to non-due individuals, as well as those other than those indicated in the sales documents (the so-called DAS), the majority of them based in the province of Reggio Calabria, used only to formally represent the alleged subsequent (legal) alienation to authorized third parties (farmers). A flagship telephone exchange between an unsuspecting shopper, recipient of electronic invoicing linked to unsolicited supplies, and the investigated organization “Hello, I received two of your invoices today, I don’t know why they came in the mail”; “ah I understand … maybe there was a mistake by chance in … in things”; “No, it happened that I never took property from you” …).
In other cases, the association, thanks to the help of another person, obtained the product from third-party issuers, using false documentation since it certifies a different destination for the diesel fuel from other companies than the one investigated, anticipating immediate sale. hides the product itself for the benefit of third-party buyers.