
Published on: 12/17/2020 7:02 AM
State and Christmas cashback at full capacity, but pay attention to the method of payment with the ATM so you do not run the risk of being excluded from the 10% refund of purchases.
The legal information site laleggepertutti.it explains the problem and offers a possible solution, which highlights how whoever makes a purchase paying with the Pagobancomat / Maestro debit card “could be disappointed. In fact, it would be enough to make this automatic gesture.” bring the card closer to the Pos to run the risk of being excluded from the Christmas bonus if the payment is made through the international circuit (that is, Maestro) instead of the national one (that is, Pagobancomat). Operation that the consumer himself ignores at the time of making the transaction. In order not to miss the Christmas cashback opportunity, therefore – we read – it is advisable to expressly request the operator use the Pagobancomat circuit, without bringing the card close to the Pos, that is, without the contactless solution“.
The problem, explains laleggepertutti.it, stems from an agreement yet to be signed between the Maestro circuit and PagoPa. Therefore, we read, “since, when the card approaches the electronic payment device, the transaction could take place through this international circuit instead of Pagobancomat (affiliated and admitted to cashback) there is a risk that the consumer lose the possibility of recovering the 10% that corresponds to you up to 150 euros. ”The solution, therefore, is“ not to use contactless and ask the cashier to make the payment with Pagobancomat. Alternatively, you should register for cashback through other channels supported by the initiative with their applications or through their sites “. Banking from home, as can already be done, for example, with Poste Italiane, Banca Sella, Nexi or Satispay”, the legal information site concludes.
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