The summit between Giuseppe Conte and the majority heads of delegation ended in a stalemate. It will be necessary to update between tonight and tomorrow to get to the white smoke: the scenarios, however, are well defined, it only remains to make the final decision. According to theAdnkronos, currently in government the preference to limit the restriction only to holidays and days before holidays seems to clearly prevail, plus January 2 and 3, which are Saturdays and Sundays: eight days of confinement in total to avoid continuous closure from December 24 to January 6 as requested by the ‘penalizers’.
Among which are the ministers of the Democratic Party and above all Roberto Speranza, which, however, have been opposed by the prime minister, who does not want to completely lose credibility with the Italians after promising a “peaceful” Christmas. Turning it into a Christmas in perennial confinement would really be too much, after the many sacrifices already requested in the last two months. And therefore, if the line supported by Conte and the M5 were to be successful even after the confrontation of the new government and with the Regions, the new measures should be the following: Italy would become the red zone on the occasion of December 25, 26, 31 and January 1, 2, 3. However, the knot linked to the weekend of December 19 and 20 remains to be resolved, with Conte who would like to prevent the closure of public establishments and shops from being triggered in advance, as requested by the executive’s sanctioning wing.