Italy regained the Vatican


If it is true that post-Christian Italy can be conquered without the support of the Church, in the voting booth, but one cannot govern in the booth without it, it must be recognized that the reciprocal is symmetrically valid: that is, that the Curia and the Vatican can be conquered in a conclave but cannot be managed, much less permanently reformed, without the support of an Italian hierarchy and ruling class.

The parable of the Pope who came from the ends of the world testifies and confirms this significantly. Elected with the mandate to marginalize our local cardinals, considered responsible for Vatileaks, but then forced to list them -since the abrupt purge of Angelo Becciu- as the only ones capable of stopping the degeneration and spillover of the phenomenon on a global scale: with the passing of struggles between regional groups to a panorama of conflicts between international consortia.

Therefore, the biographical and character profile changes, not the logistics-territorial chain. The ideological trend, not the geographical origin, in any case attributable to the beautiful country.

Thus, at the top of the two ministries that count and concentrate the hard political-economic power, Foreign Affairs and Finance, we find the Venetian Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, flexible weaver of ecclesiastical diplomacy, and the Apulian Nunzio Galantino, president of the APSA, the inflexible administrator of the patrimony of the Apostolic See. With the incorporation of the elite, emergency, melitensi and jerosolimitana, mobile and real estate forces, the “Orders” of Malta and the Holy Sepulcher, under the “orders” of the trusted cardinals, Silvano Tomasi and Fernando Filoni.

Not to mention soft power: an area in which Paolo Ruffini, for his talent as a mediator and communicator, long proven in Rai, was preferred to the gurus of foreign networks. The first lay person to hold the position of prefect of a dicastery, the newly created strategic holding company that rationalizes and brings together the media: a single color, it would have been said at one point, since among others the director of the Press Office and spokesperson papal, Matteo Bruni, after the resignation of Greg Burke, an American from Ohio, with double imprint of Fox News and Opus Dei.

An analogous, though not professional, national background, being a mixture of jurists and economists, unites the four vigilantes and key figures, diversified but crucial, of the investigations that shake ab imis fundamentis the curia and its ramifications, between the Thames and the Tiber , turning it around like a sock, without any shame for the latter’s filament and pigment, even if it is the dazzling orange of the cardinalate: a ring composed mainly of Giuseppe Pignatone, president of the Vatican Court, listened to Bergoglio’s advisor on matters judicial and Prime Minister Giampiero Milano, signatory of arrest warrants, searches and guarantees, which reestablish immunities and characterize the current phase with an unprecedented mark and halfway between the police and the state of cleanliness. In addition, the owners of the two anti-corruption and anti-money laundering authorities: Alessandro Cassinis Righini, who “ad interim” succeeded Libero Milone after his removal, but has meanwhile grown in wit and power. And Carmelo Barbagallo, head of the Supervisory Authority (at the IOR) and Financial Information, returned today in the ranks to the original synergy, and umbilical cord, with the Bank of Italy, after the expensive and casual alpine interval, from a spot advertising, by the Swiss René Brühlart. , which came from the tax haven of Liechtenstein.

A trend that has found confirmation of a greater weight in the field of the consistory, in the phase of “qualification for the world”, increasing the number of representatives and consolidating the ranking with an exciting score: Italy – Rest of the world, six years seven.

Or six out of thirteen, if we take into account the total number of new cardinals, with and without the right to vote, awarded with the residence on November 28: almost half. A third, excluding those over eighty and limiting ourselves to voters. What in times and in terms of globalization means, in particular, an enormity. Or anomalies, according to the different contrasting points of view. As if Bergoglio, instead of on the heads of the individual prelates, had placed the red cap on the crown of the country itself, in the manner of a modern and eternal helmet and skullcap, by Scipio, returning to the peninsula, the primacy and centrality lost in the last conclave, by will and with punitive intent of the coalition that had later brought him to the throne. Recognizing above all, after seven years of pontificate, that without Italy and the Italians, as we observed in the incipit, the Vatican cannot be governed: the prerogative of a curial diplomacy immune to nationalism and automatically accustomed, by attitude, to expressing a vision tout azimuth, unitary and non-sectarian of the world. In short, with the application and extension of universalism naturally embedded, or sacramentally incardinated, in the hardware and DNA of the Roman era.

Leaving with a diminutive of status from the door and returning, literally, from the window (the one from which Francesco announces the names of the chosen ones) with a cardinal surplus, Italy thus recovers the gap and fully reinstates itself in the role of shareholder reference of the only international institution that speaks Italian: the Catholic Church, with 1,300 million members.

A fatal, magnetic and urban attraction, symbolically represented in the location of the Farnesina, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which unlike the other buildings of power is located on the same bank of the Tiber, with respect to the Petrine site, without having to crossing a bridge: writing in the topography of the City an adhesion of actions and intentions that, except for brief parentheses (for example during the yellow-green government), finds synchronous and synchronous correspondence of positions and projections in the geography of the Orb. Respond to close contact with the superpower and reflect its influence and global visibility

Never so valued. However, never so penalized. The more Italy stands out, in fact, for the number of appointments for which it is rewarded, the more the Episcopal Conference, on the contrary, is reduced and mortified, by the absence of people related to it. Accompanying and marking the seventh consistory of Bergoglio with an evident and strident paradox, located between Salento and Padania.

In the first place Salento (former land of origin of the Cardinal Vicar Angelo De Donatis, a native of Casarano, and today of Marcello Semeraro da Monteroni, new entrance to the sacred college, substitute for the defenestrated Becciu in the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints): appendix of the Puglia episode as a finger to indicate the Southeastern direction, with Mediterranean and Eastern traction, that Francis imprinted on the Italian Church, choosing Bari and Puglia for two prestigious georeligious events: the summits of the Patriarchs of the Middle East, in July 2018 , and coastal bishops of the sea no longer “nostrum”, in February 2020.

Then Padania and the North, in general: devoid of purple not only in the Milan-Turin industrial axis. But on the coast, naval, Genoa and Venice. As if to renounce hierarchically the traditional European, Western, Atlantic and Degasperian anchor, to begin a journey to the south, the third world, Afro-Asian and Lapirian.

“The Italian Church has a toad”.

Beyond the cyclical anathema, which denounces a caesura-censorship with the right-wing episcopate, the amphibious image of Father Spadaro highlights the structural problem of every Pope: forced, waiting for a slow metamorphosis of rotation, to lead the Flock with the designated pastors, in the intervening period of a decade, by his predecessor.

Thus, if the eighth year of the pontificate of John Paul II marked the conservative turning point of the CIS, with the rise of the Ruini star, followed for a quarter of a century by a trail of moderate candidates, the 2020 consistory, in the Francisco’s eighth year, with the investiture of six progressive cardinals, sanctions overtaking and alignment in the left lane.

And if in the once safe “schools” of the dioceses considered cardinalates, in the shadow of the Mole Antonelliana and the Winged Lion, Cesare Nosiglia and Francesco Moraglia, epigones of Ruini and Bagnasco, resist, similar to each other but dystonic of the new direction, The College, the sacred one, goes to the province and carves out a place for two fifty-somethings with long-term registration rights, descendants of Mount Subasio and the Sienese hills: Mauro Gambetti, an engineer friar, who by custom said goodbye to the girl and of the company. family. And Augusto Lojudice, Borgata parish priest, who from Tor Bella Monaca would not have imagined landing under the Torre del Mangia. From the nomadic camps to the Piazza del Campo, from the decay of the ruined ruins to the stairs of Rocca Salimbeni.

Next, in pole position, Domenico Battaglia, the new archbishop of Naples, appears in perspective, who together with the other street priest, the Bolognese – Trasteverino Matteo Zuppi, a cardinal for a year and five installed in Bologna, decisively modifies, incisive the features and theological and anthropological face of the CEI.

A real transfiguration: mystical and mythical version of the italic transformism, which indicates in the first instance a complete discontinuity. But in the distance it shows a concrete continuity. To provide the helmsmen who succeed at the helm of the ship with a varied and diversified class of sailors capable of navigating along the coast or in the open sea, depositing non-negotiable values ​​in the port or hoisting the sails of total dialogue. And to offer the universal Church a rose “of the winds”, with a range of personalities and a background of professionalism capable of covering, as corresponds to the red caps, no omen, the four “cardinal” points. East and West, North and South, keeping the rudder to the right or to the left, according to the current of the moment, but keeping Italy firmly, solidly in the center.
