It goes into the red zone all over Italy. The decision on the new restrictive measures is scheduled for today or at the latest tomorrow, but the most rigorous end seems to have taken over to intervene with strict measures for the Christmas period. In support of further restrictions, reports the Dire agency, there would also be representatives from Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise and Marche.
“I agree with a red zone spread throughout Italy,” said Lazio health councilor Alessio D’Amato speaking at Spallanzani in Rome at the inauguration of the new intensive care beds. He explained: “Lazio has always remained in the yellow zone, we have the lowest fatality and incidence rates nationwide in relation to the population. At the same time, it must be said that phenomena like the ones we have seen recently (shopping fever Christmas, ed) results achieved so far. That is why it is important that measures are taken, but I know that the Government is working on this at this time “.
The decision will be made in the next few hours, but the goal will probably be to make the matches that took place across Italy over the weekend impossible. In Rome, even last weekend, via del Corso was full of people busy shopping for Christmas gifts and that is why there could be restrictions in the capital from this weekend.
What will happen in Rome and in the rest of Italy
Nothing decided, better to clarify it immediately. Also because the resistors are not lacking. The main hypothesis is that of a red zone at Christmas, San Esteban, New Year’s Eve, Befana and both Sundays December 27 and January 3, while the orange zone the days before holidays. But if the numbers of the pandemic do not drop, we prepare for more restrictive measures: red zone from December 24 to January 1.
The difference between orange and red zone.
Lazio, we remember, is currently the yellow zone. If it were to happen orange zone the restrictions are the same as those in force for the yellow zone, after the curfew, to which other rules are added. These include the prohibition of moving to another Region or another municipality, unless reasons for work, study, health and need are demonstrated. It is recommended to avoid unnecessary movements even within your own municipality. In addition, the bars and restaurants are closed all day, although there is still the possibility of take away food until 10pm and home delivery at any time.
In Red zone All existing restrictions for yellow and orange areas apply, but additional restrictions are added. The travel ban is also valid within your municipality and at any time except for proven work, health and necessity needs. Bars and restaurants are closed, as are shops outside supermarkets and businesses deemed necessary.
Beauty centers are also closed (but hairdressers and barbers remain open). At school, distance education also extends to second and third grade, as well as high school. Sports competitions are suspended, except those of national interest. Motor activity is allowed, but only in the vicinity of the house. The sports car is allowed outdoors and individually.
WHO: Keep the masks even at home with family members at Christmas
On the other hand, today has also come the call of the World Health Organization that, before family gatherings for the Christmas and New Year holidays, invites citizens to leave the masks even at home since “there is a high risk from a third wave in early 2021 in Europe. ”
“Despite some fragile progress, the transmission of Covid-19 in the European region remains widespread and intense.” And “there is a high risk of a new resurgence” in the first weeks of 2021. This is underlined by a report by the European Office of the World Health Organization, which invites European citizens to “work together if we want to be able to prevent” another increase in cases in Europe. “” Individual decisions during the winter holidays will not only affect you and those close to you, but will also have an impact on your communities, “WHO stressed.