A day of Dated, vertices me tables, but the government arrives at night without decision because the head of delegation of Italia Viva, Teresa Bellanova, is in Brussels for the labeling negotiation. the measurements For him Christmas They are pending the commitments of the Minister of Agriculture and create a lot of nervousness in the majority. The suspicion is that the Renzians want to wait for a confrontation with the prime minister for the “Check”, postponed Tuesday and scheduled for Thursday morning. The distances still remain in what restrictions are necessary to contain infections of coronavirus. The first meeting between the prime minister Giuseppe Conte ei heads of delegation started intime to eat: in the table Roberto Speranza (Leu), Dario Franceschini (P.S), Alfonso Bonafede (M5s). With them also the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia and the undersecretary of the presidency of the Council Riccardo Fraccaro.
The hypothesis about holidays and days before holidays – Franceschini, Boccia and Speranza fight for measures of “Red zone” Continue, while it is more cautious the premier’s line, supported by the M5 in wanting an intervention more limited. The rigorous wing of the Democratic Party and the Minister of Health have been pushing for a blanket shutdown since Dec. 24 Alabama January 6But there is another soul in the government, including President Conte, who would like softer measures of Holidays me before the holidays. And precisely this could be the falling point at the evening summit: the strongest restrictions would coincide with the Weekend and holidays. In this way, in fact, the only non-‘red’ days would be Monday 28, Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 December, Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 January. Also at stake is how to calibrate family gatherings for the day of Christmas. On the point LeagueDuring a confrontation with Speranza, he requested an exception for December 25. And in the background, as the third and most remote option, there is always the hypothesis of an entire Italy orange from Christmas Eve to Epiphany.
The Regions for the red zone – the access comparison and Bellanova’s absence forced an update, scheduled for the night the minister returns from the summit Brussels, which I wanted to attend in person. There is little doubt that they will be introduced more restrictive measures But the discussion, we learned from government sources, is not closed and the time of the new summit has not yet been defined, which at this time could be held in Late night. What you learn Ilfattoquotidiano.it, the minister would have given availability from 21 onwards. The entire discussion is based on the opinion issued on Tuesday from Scientific technical committee, which in turn was divided into whether to deliver or not specific indications on the measures to take. On the other hand, from the summit with the Regions that was held in the morning, came the push towards the hardest line: the president of Veneto Luca zaia, along with representatives of Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giulia me Molise, asked for the red zone for Christmas. “During the Christmas season they serve maximum restrictions, If the government does not do them we will do them – said Zaia – If we do not close everything now we will find a January to start over with a plateau too high“.
Toti does not want national measures – The position of the governor of Liguria is different Giovanni toti: I do not see why impose to Liguria a red zone for Christmas when the Ligurians in recent weeks have compromised and sacrificed to make drop the curve contagion and take us to the complete yellow zone, “said a The air that pulls his La7. “We gave ourselves the rules in the first days of December, deciding to divide the country into zones, and those rules worked to contain the covid. I do not see why change them now, on the eve of the Christmas holidays ”, Toti commented. But that does not represent the position of all rulers, not even those of the center right. As mentioned, Regions like the Veneto and the Lazio, again in yellow, during the summit with the government they pressed to close.
Movement in the journey – Meanwhile, the Senate approved the majority movement in displacements between municipalities in the days of the Christmas season with 140 yes, 118 no and 5 abstentions. Shortly before, the House had rejected the opposition motion by 142 votes against. The text approved in Palazzo Madama commits the government to “evaluate the resizing ol ‘expansion contraction measures, as in the case of movements between municipalities Of the same Province or reunification with family members me close together, currently under review by the executive, based on solid scientific data and of more extensive analysis demonstrating its indispensable ability to adequately balance both the plausible risks of a new third wave pandemic and the serious consequences of such restrictions on socio-productive tissue“Y” in the case of new restrictions, to foresee measures of cheap soda proportional to the losses of income also with respect to those activities to which it was initially indicated the way to open“.