
The government chaired by Giuseppe Conte it’s completely in disarray and never misses a chance to show it. Not even two weeks after introducing the Dpcm that was supposed to regulate Christmas and holidays in general until January 6, the executive finds itself point and point: the meeting-river between the prime minister and the heads of delegation of the majority . Teresa Bellanova, still engaged in Brussels) ended in a stalemate. Discontinued? Postponed until tomorrow? Updated overnight? Everything is still unclear. In fact, the discussion is not closed, according to government sources cited by The messenger – and the government has decided to update itself once the minister has returned from the European mission. The time of the new summit has not been defined: it could be held tonight or tomorrow, which will hopefully be the last of this week characterized by an embarrassing succession of news, often in conflict with each other.
Second Paperon the contrary, the evening summit where the final decision on the Christmas period should have been made was skipped due to the “too far” parts. All postponed for tomorrow, says the newspaper that heads Claudio Cerasa. And again, RaiNews, reporting on an outage to allow the prime minister to record a television episode.
When we have already started at the end of December 16 Italy still does not know what his destination will be during the holidays: The indiscretions speak of a red zone throughout the national territory on holidays, including Christmas Eve and December 31, while the rest of the days there should be a curfew at 10pm or even at 8pm. The rigorous line of the Democratic Party and Minister Roberto Speranza nevertheless it continues trying to impose itself: the application is for a full closure from December 21 to January 6, things that the prime minister finds people with hairpins under Palazzo Chigi a minute after announcing it. And then second Republic you would be working in a commitment, or rather that of establishing the national red zone from December 24 to January 3: however, the green light of Italia Viva is missing.