We are also working together with the Regions at this time, soon there will be a meeting, on the one hand for transport, on the other hand for swabs and rapid tests ”.
“The tables with the prefects have already started. If you have to think about transportation, it cannot be done only from a national point of view, each territory has its own needs, the tables with the prefects help us solve critical problems. In addition, as a ministry we have asked for a preferential lane for the hyssop school ”.
Then the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina live on Facebook
Get ahead of the Christmas break by closing schools on December 19. Then the red zone next weekend. The hypothesis that divides the government
“I also want the school to be present, not only as a minister but as an ex-teacher, the school saves lives, not only health saves lives; you can’t think of doing school behind a PC: distance learning can’t last long, even high school students have the right to go back to school in person. ”
Regarding vaccines, “We will start with the elderly, then the health personnel and then the school personnel who are part of the essential public services, we are all going to be vaccinated gradually.”