CHRISTMAS 2020 BAD WEATHER and SNOW risk, latest updates «3B Meteo


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Climatic trend of the Christmas period
Climatic trend of the Christmas period

CHRISTMAS WEATHER, UNKNOWN BAD WEATHER. Between ups and downs, until Christmas we will not see particular knowledge about the meteorological evolution, characterized by the prevalence of the anticyclone that sonly occasionally will it be threatened by wet and unstable Atlantic infiltrations alternating with periods of greater atmospheric stability. However, things could change in a more appreciable way precisely in conjunction with Christmas. In fact, even the latest updates see a higher propensity for entry of cold packs from northern Europe to the Mediterranean, thanks to an anticyclone from the Azores that would probably desecrate in the middle of the Atlantic.

POSSIBLE EVOLUTION. If this hypothesis materializes, which to date sees an increase in the probability of its realization, we should expect that only in conjunction with the Christmas holidays once again and more dynamic, unstable and sometimes disturbed. All this accompanied by a general decrease in temperatures with snow not excluded even at quite low altitudes, reinforcing the winds. To date it is clearly too early to go into more detail: the amount and distribution of rainfall will largely depend on the exact path of the sinking disturbed by northern Europe, which to date remains subject to large margins of uncertainty. However, it is worth observing how in the medium and long term a path is emerging that leads to More turbulent weather conditions similar to the winter season between Christmas and New Years in much of Europe, at least north-central, with the possible participation of some of our regions. However, the temporal distance is still high, so there will be important updates in the coming days.

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