According to the decree of the Minister of Health of April 30, 2020, the alarm threshold for intensive care places occupied by covid patients has been set at 30%.
It is surpassed by 14 regions and all have decreasing values, except the autonomous province of Trento and Veneto: Abruzzo (31%), Friuli Venezia Giulia (32%), Lazio (34%), Liguria (33%), Lombardy (51%) , Marche (40%), Autonomous Province of Bolzano (31%), Autonomous province of Trento (59%), Piedmont (42%), Puglia (41%), Sardinia (32%), Tuscany (37%), Umbria (35%) and Veneto (35%).
Regarding the positions occupied in non-critical areas, that is, in the departments of medicine, pulmonology and infectious diseases, the limit threshold has been identified at 40%.
It is currently exceeded by 10 regions, 5 less than the data of a week ago: Autonomous province of Trento (68%), Emilia Romagna (50%), Friuli Venezia Giulia (51%), Lazio (45%), Liguria (46%), Autonomous Province of Bolzano (41%), Piedmont (65%), Puglia (44%) and Valle d’Aosta (42%) and Veneto (45%).
Improves the situation in Campania, which returns to the limit values both for intensive care and for hospitalizations in the plant, while the most critical is that of Trento.