“Registration of deaths in Veneto? Deaths registered in previous days” – Libero Quotidiano


Matteo Bassetti raises his nose when commenting on the latest actions of the government to contain the pandemic of coronavirus. Makes it guest in connection with The air that pulls, the program of Myrta merlino broadcast on La7. About the closure at Christmas, a substantial certainty, explains the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Hospital in Genoa: “I am confused. The worst is the inconsistency. We had taken a line and we are only changing it chase germany. It’s like saying we’ve done everything wrong so far. Why haven’t we followed them in health, education and investment? The vaccine must be mandatory, “he remarks. Giuseppe Conte that pursues Angela Merkel having neither the figure nor the potential. When Merlino reminded him how yesterday, Tuesday, December 15, the absolute record of Covid victims in Veneto was recorded, Bassetti replied: “I mourn all the dead, but apart from that yesterday in Veneto the deaths that were counted were recorded. belonged to the days beforeWe’ve been saying for weeks that it takes three weeks for infections to stabilize after the new measures. The dead are many, too many, but also because we are the most ethical healthcare in the world, we do not leave anyone behind ”, he concluded.
