“Better handling of the virus? The numbers are sovereign enough” – Libero Quotidiano


How you handled the coronavirus emergency Giuseppe Conte nobody made it. He thinks yes Guido Crosetto who with a completely ironic twitter writes: “We have the best handling of the virus in the world. The problem is that numbers are sovereign.” The founder of Fratelli d’Italia, currently a businessman, has no doubts: for the government of Pd and M5, the fault is not the mismanagement of the pandemic. In fact, the premier and the Giallorossi boast of a work like very few European countries. They obviously forget the numbers. Yesterday the newsletter registered more than 14,000 new cases and 864 deaths.

Mattarella takes a position, that's why they humiliate him.  Crosetto very hard: trampled democracy

Or, worse yet, they forget the failure of the second wave of Covid. The return of the pandemic after this summer’s fading was predicted. But what has the government done to be prepared? Very little. In short, it is Crosetto’s sarcastic conclusion, all the fault of the sovereignists.
