
Giada Oricchio
Matteo bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Hospital San Martino de Génova, in relation to “The air that pulls”, The current affairs program carried out by Myrta merlino his LA7, sink the government: “I’m confused. The worst part is the inconsistency. We had taken a line and we are changing it just to go after Germany. It’s like saying we’ve been wrong so far. Why haven’t we followed them in health, education and investment? The vaccine must be mandatory. “
Matteo Bassetti, interviewed in “L’Aria che tira”, clicks on the government about the measures to I will limit and contagion of Covidien-19: “At this point I’m confused. We had decided to take a line, which is to base ourselves on the RT data and the capacity of the hospitals and instead I have realized for 72 hours, that is, since they decided to close everything in Germany that our approach is not good. The worst thing is the inconsistency, if we have chosen a line we are going to follow it, let’s look at the Regions where the contagion line rises and we intervene, but if we say that we must follow the German method closing everything, it is as if we said that we have done something stupid. We follow the Germans but in investments, in schools, in health. Germans have been going to schools for the last 10 months while our children took their lessons remotely. What are we talking about?”.
Bruno Vespa in the study with Merlino points out that Germany can apply the hard lockdown because the State compensates and restores activities up to 90% and with huge non-reimbursable resources. Myrta Merlino emphasizes that Italy has the record for deaths from coronavirus and Bassetti is tranchant: “I mourn all the dead, but apart from that yesterday in Veneto the deaths that belonged to the previous days were counted, we have been saying for weeks that it takes three weeks for infections to stabilize after the new measures. The dead are many, too many, but also because we are the most ethical healthcare in the world, we leave no one behind. I see elderly people who arrive at the hospital with 20-30 tablets, they have many comorbidities and that is why they pay a high price. In Italy we pay a higher toll because we are better at making older people live longer. The further you go, the more damaged you are and cannot defend yourself. For months I have been saying that you had to to assure the elderly that it was necessary to differentiate the hours to go to the supermarket or pharmacy and it has not been done.For the moment, the average age of death is 80 years. In my opinion, the Regions color system had to color the province or district, not the Region. For example, in Venero some provinces are worse off than others. A single measure for Italy would be a step backwards and it would be like saying that we have done everything wrong so far ”. Urged by the presenter, the infectious disease specialist raises the alarm about the Covid-19 vaccine: “We have to applaud, Commissioner Arcuri was walking and suddenly he started running, we have come a long way in recent weeks, maybe we let us all vaccinate on the same day in Europe. Here, I think that beyond politics, citizens should also run because my concern is that we prepare vaccines for health workers and RSA, but are we sure that everyone will be vaccinated? sure that we will not lose them? “
Myrta Merlino also underlines the “shyness in the field of health” and Bassetti: “It is true, do you know that in the field of health the flu vaccine is essential, but one out of every five surgeries is vaccinated? I’m afraid that even with the Coronavirus vaccine we will reach 50%. And here politics must intervene, the mandatory law must be made now, not in January ”.