The questions are stacked on top of each other. The “secret plan“Did Anti-Covid exist? If so, why did the government keep it confidential? Why didn’t it send it to the Regions? And why after having announced it from the rooftops in the newspapers with an interview with Andrea UrbaniHas the Ministry of Health regressed for some time, denying that it has ever written, seen or had it? Again: why if a similar document, drawn up in light of the second wave, has been quietly uploaded online to the ISS website, is the executive not running a real operation and also revealing that mysterious February dossier to the public at general?
If we are still here talking about the “secret plan” againstCOVID-19 this is largely due to the smokescreen raised by Conte, Speranza and associates. There is only one week left before the hearing at Lazio TAR that will have to decide whether to “condemn” (or not) the Ministry of Health to publicize the “plan.” But the contours of history are still smoky. The first news about the existence of the document dates back to April, when Urbani, director of programming of the ministry and member of the CTS, gave an interview to Messenger Service where refuting the “decision-making gaps” in the first wave reveals that “since January 20 we had a list classified plan and we follow that plan ”. The revelations, as is known, cause chaos. And although that dossier does not contain who knows what state secret, a dense fog will spread over its nature that it still struggles to clarify: Minister Speranza steals it as a banal “study”; the department makes it go through the analysis performed by the researcher Stefano merler; and hardly anyone understands a fig. Called in front of the Tar, viale Lungotevere Ripa 1 assumes a curious defensive strategy: stating that everything would have arisen from “misinterpretations of the statements made” by Urbani, reiterating that the text that is so much talked about is only Merler’s study and assuring that there is no “plan”.
IlGiornale.itthanks to the confidential information, however, he is able to reconstruct in detail the birth, growth and inconsistent defense of the Ministry of Health. Let’s start from the beginning. January 22 Roberto Speranza announces the birth of a workgroup ministerial. The virus is still a distant Chinese disease. The meeting is attended by the heads of ministry, the Nas carabinieri, exponents of Spallanzani, Umsaf, Aifa, Agenas and also a diplomatic adviser. During the work of the workgroup, said the ministry in a note, “from the need to elaborate, by the Planning Directorate of the Ministry of Health, the Higher Institute of Health and the INMI Spallanzani, a study arises on the possible scenarios of the epidemic and the impact on National system of health, identifying a series of possible actions to activate in relation to the development of epidemic scenarios, in order to contain their effects ”. The first version of this analysis, according to the note, is presented to Scientific technical committee on February 12 and then “later updated until March 4”. A “study” that would have contributed “to the definition of the measures and measures adopted as of February 21, after the discovery of the first Italian outbreaks.”
The dates match. How will I rebuild in the Coronavirus Black Book (read here), on February 12 in fact Merler presents to Cts their analyzes contained in the dossier entitled 2019-nCov propagation scenarios in Italy and impact on the health system, in case the virus cannot be contained locally. On the same day, as indicated in the minutes, the CTS orders an internal working group to “produce, within a week, a first hypothesis of Operational plan for preparation and response to different scenarios of possible development of a 2019-nCov epidemic“. This file is mentioned in the minutes at other times: on February 24, on March 2 (when it is approved in its” final version “), on March 4 and 9. It is the same Cts who requests the top secret. The ministry, as indicated in the memorandum presented to the TAR, believes that the “secret plan” cited by Urbani is Merler’s study and that “this document is not a pandemic plan approved by a formal act of the Ministry of Health, neither an act prepared by a Palestinian Authority, nor is it supported by the ministry ”. So much so that to be diligent before the judges, he gets the CTS to send him Merler’s study and file it in the records. Nice job.
Too bad the Merler study and the “secret plan“They are two very different things. A reputable source from the Giornale.it He assures that in the Merler report of February 12 no “plan” is mentioned, but only numbers, cases of incidence based on several possible Rt calculated on the Chinese database. Indices, indicators and forecasts of impact on the population. In short, it is only the “epidemiological” part of a much more complex job. The one created by the CTS team (made up of about ten people) is something else, since inside there are a series of actions to take based on the various hypothetical scenarios. In slang it is called “preparation“These are preventive activities, with a time horizon of one year, perfectly planned in the (vain) belief that COVID-19 it may arrive in a few months. This was not the case.
Can the ministry say that it has nothing to do with the “plan” implemented by the CTS? Not quite. In fact, the group also includes the ISS, Urban with all his collaborators, the delegate of the Regions Alberto Zoli and exponent of Spallanzani. It is largely thanks to pressure from ministerial leaders that the task force gets to work and quickly produces a dossier of about 40 pages. Not only. On February 20 the first draft of the “Plan” is presented, complete with slides, from Merler and Zoli directly to Minister Speranza. Who, therefore, must know well, at least in the title, the difference between the researcher’s study and the plan that he presented that day.
What happens next As mentioned, the CTS mentions the “plan” in the February 24 minutes, writing that it must be “still completed.” By now it is too late: the infection has already reached the Lombardy and Dpi, missing respirators and various stocks such as air. Little can be done, despite the newly developed “plan”: one that provides for a response to outbreaks that have broken out over time, not a multiplication of pandemic-like cases (as in February). The package, however, lands on March 1 on the desks of the experts in a sealed envelope with the seal of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Anyone who has had it in hand, both as a draft and in the final version, must respect a confidentiality agreement. Why? According to some, the figures contained within would have surprised those who hoped to get away with a much more modest image than expected. Remember the “we’re ready” from Conte and Speranza? Okay. However, none of the experts violates the agreement, except Urbani who on April 21 dares to speak about it with the press. Provoking an omelette.
Meanwhile, Speranza repeats several times that there never was a “secret plan” and steals it to turn it into a banal study. For inquiring reporters, the ministry, as it will with FdI applicants Bignami and Gemmato, answers swords and deflects them in Civil protection which in turn only sends Merler’s analysis. Why? It is difficult for Salud to say that it does not know anything about the “operational plan” if it materially participated with its men in the writing, right? If Urbani was also on the task force, how can the ministry claim that it does not have at least one copy? How would Urbani have talked about it if he weren’t involved?
Here we need to make a clarification. Urbani in his interview affirms that the “secret plan” was ready from January 20, which is why the State Attorney’s Office hides behind the Merler firm, ensuring that the Director General of Programming was referring to it. Someone even in CtsHowever, he believes it was a dating error: precisely because Merler’s analysis was only a set of scenariosThat would not be the document that – said Urbani – “we follow” to contain the infection. The “Plan” presented on February 20 (not January) in Speranza and later approved by the CTS would have been the one that would have marked a path in the first days of contagion. Also because it seems difficult to imagine that this “secret plan” could have been born two days before (January 20) the birth of the workgroup ministerial (January 22).
The truth is that it would take little to close the matter. It would be enough to publish on the ministry’s website the envelope that CTS members still keep in the Closed envelope. Even the Bergamo prosecutor has investigated the matter, although today prosecutors are more interested in the criminal implications of the alleged delays in updating the “pandemic flu plan”, Which is another story (read here). In fact, a little clarity would be enough to unravel the “secret plan.” After all, they did everything themselves: first they keep it confidential, then they reveal its existence, and finally they do their best to close it in the drawer. Why, after throwing the stone, does the ministry and the CTS raise so much smoke to hide the hand? Why impersonate him for the Merler study? Why not make it public? In view of the second wave, however, the experts have prepared a dossier similar to the “secret plan”: it is the famous document that contains the 21 indicators that today colors the regions of rosso, Orange and yellow. If this is public, why not lift the veil on the February “plan” as well?