A new decree law that limits the freedom of movement and circulation that will be approved between today and tomorrow and a new Dpcm for Friday. This is the Conte government’s program to launch the squeeze that will take Italy to the red and orange zone between December 24 and January 6 and that could undergo a change with the approval of the rules only on the weekend, when, however, the exodus of Italians will have already begun to return to their “residence, domicile or principal residence”. If you are late, it will be because there is still no agreement in the government on the soft or hard closure to be finalized. And also because the regions, some of which were already looking forward to the yellow zone with the ordinance of Friday, December 18, will have gotten in the way. Today at 12 o’clock, the government meeting to decide on the red or orange zone throughout Italy is scheduled from December 24 to January 6. And Minister Franceschini takes a position on Twitter: “It is time for rigorous elections by the Government and Parliament: only more restrictive rules during the holidays can prevent a third wave of infections. For us, who have institutional responsibilities, it is a duty intervene today without hesitation to save human lives tomorrow. “
“A decree law and a new Dpcm for Friday”: the government meeting today at 12
The question mark on the color of regions like Abruzzo, Tuscany and Campania remains. The possible passage in the yellow zone goes hand in hand with the new restrictions now probable at the national level: how will the two remain together? “There may be some adjustments,” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced yesterday. Which? In the Dpcm of December 3, a travel ban was already ordered, even between yellow regions, in the period between December 21 and January 6. The measure is more restrictive with respect to three days in particular, those of December 25, 26 and 31: in this case the stop is also to move between municipalities. the Corriere della Sera He writes that today the executive could decide the closure for vacations and the days prior to the two weeks of greatest risk, from December 24 to January 6. If it did, it would mean that the hard line of ministers Franceschini, Boccia and Speranza who ask for the orange zone for the entire holiday period and more red zone restrictions on the days of Christmas, New Years and Epiphany and in the previous days won. and follow them. There are fourteen days of special closings and restrictions on nine of these. The impression writes that the adjustment will be difficult to launch because there are no technical times:
At Palazzo Chigi they are thinking of a new decree limiting personal freedoms (or an amendment to the one the House is considering) and another Dpcm to be passed on Friday.
Meanwhile, to curb the avalanche of purchases on Saturday and Sunday, the Interior Ministry will strengthen anti-collection controls, and ordinances are being studied to reduce the activity of the premises.
Other newspapers, on the other hand, assure that the squeeze will not arrive before the weekend because it would be too unpopular since many have already organized trips (which will still be allowed) for Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 December. Meanwhile, this morning a meeting is scheduled between the Minister of Territorial Territory Francesco Boccia and the Regions in which we will talk about the vaccination plan – which could arrive in advance – but also about the new grip that is coming. And it will be a battle, given that yesterday governors like Giovanni Toti asked the government not to touch anything because the economy would be more damaged.
The coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee Agostino Miozzo in an interview with Delivery courier drew the lines of the intervention that the scientists asked the government: “In addition to personal protective equipment, such as masks and keeping distances, you have to avoid and prevent meeting opportunities. I think of the New Year, with people who They could go to the squares to toast, or to the traditional Christmas shopping days. We have to avoid it. “How?” I am in favor of tightening the sanctions, but in the territory the police forces, the carabinieri, the police officers financial, but even more so the local police must avoid dangerous behaviors for contagion. ”What should be prevented?“ Long lines without distances, crowded situations, close contacts. Any reality that favors these situations must be prohibited. It is up to the government to decide which ones and in what way, even with the necessary controls ”.
Orange and red zone from Christmas 2020: Italy closed from December 24 to January 6
The government is divided, the CTS is not
The CTS in its minutes – which had not been completed until the other day – did not offer any support to the government’s rigorous line because although it represents the risks derived from the Rt contagion index, the plateau and the curve that does not fall fast enough and pointing out the risks of the arrival of a third wave of the coronavirus epidemic, he only asked to implement the rules of the Dpcm on December 3. Obviously because it does not intend to pass for the umpteenth time as a scapegoat for a hardening that the more rigorous it is, the more unpopular it will be. But even the Committee is divided within it, if it is true that four experts, including Prevention Director Gianni Rezza, finally refused to stop the report because they called for the red zone throughout Italy but were not satisfied with the majority. of scientists.
And so the rigorous wing of the executive failed, which now has to face the opposition of the openingists, led by Matteo Renzi and Teresa Bellanova at Palazzo Chigi and by the opposition entirely assembled outside. In the middle is Giuseppe Conte, who in addition to the Civil Protection bulletins must also weigh the surveys that describe a population that is increasingly concerned and stressed by the emergency and its economic consequences, while the government reorganizes that the Prime Minister has already announced that Sergio Mattarella could also question his stay at Palazzo Chigi. La Repubblica today formulates three hypotheses for the 2020 Christmas blockade:
- the red zone on holidays and days before holidays: “in the period from December 19 to January 6 there are 12 days between holidays and holidays. The rigorous wing of the government asks that all of Italy be in the red zone on these days”;
- the orange zone: “Prime Minister Conte is in favor of a more prudent line: Italy in the orange zone throughout the Christmas period: shops open but bars and restaurants closed”;
- the orange and red zone: “the Conte government is also studying a third way, a synthesis between the two measures: a red zone throughout Italy on vacation, leaving the days before the holidays in orange”.
The hypothesis of the reinforced orange, or rather of closing the stores but only on holidays, is diminishing. “We must be clear with the Italians. We cannot confuse them,” explains a government source to the Agi news agency. “From 23-24-25 onwards, the evaluations that we will carry out will lead Italy to be one color, the more intense the color and the more restrictions there are,” Minister Boccia cut. Without Christmas dinner, without gatherings, “three very difficult months await us”, the alert of the regional official, “the decision that is expected at this time is three days, 25, 26 and 1. I think that from the days before the holidays from now on, until January 6 and 7, it is more useful if everyone closes as much as possible ”.
Meanwhile, the big question mark remains the color of regions like Abruzzo, Tuscany, and Campania. The possible passage in the yellow zone goes hand in hand with the new restrictions now probable at the national level: how will the two intersect? Today or tomorrow everything must be clarified. at least in part. This morning the meeting between the Government and the Regions, called by the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia, began at around 9 am to close the vaccination plan and discuss the new measures for the Christmas holidays. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the extraordinary commissioner for the Coronavirus emergency, Domenico Arcuri, also participate in the meeting via videoconference. It is decided between today and tomorrow what Italy will be at the end of 2020 in terms of containing the contagion. “We have given precise indications to the government, which will decide. The measures must address a global framework of services and controls, as well as the economic protection of sanctioned entrepreneurs, which is up to the political bodies to evaluate. Certainly, despite its varied presence in the media, all experts agree in warning of the dangers that loosening of behavior can bring. We are in a delicate phase, ” says Cts coordinator Agostino Miozzo in an interview with ‘Il Messaggero’. “It was a challenge and the discussion lasted for two days – he says – The very sensitive issue was how to deal with the next few days, which traditionally offer the best and most heartfelt opportunities for reunion and reunion with families.” All the experts agree that the utmost prudence in behavior is necessary and that the necessary resignations must be reached, despite the fact that the time of year pushes us to seek gatherings and contacts – he continues – We must understand that there is no safe family relationship but a negative buffer. it is not enough to provide security for contagion. ”