Pandemic plan, Sileri: “Arrested in 2006 for the carelessness of ministry leaders. Now we need an internal investigation”


“If you are a Minister, when you general secretary presents you with a text and tells you that in pandemic plan okay, you build on that. ” The Vice Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, he has no intention of making war Roberto Speranza on the failure to revise Italy’s flu plan, which dates back to 2006 and which remained “substantially” unchanged. Instead, he is angry at those “mini-ministers” who “are in the ministry and stay for decades and decades.” It is their fault, he explains in an interview with The truth, if in the last 15 years nothing has been done to prepare for a pandemic, despite the “Decision 1082 of the EU Parliament” of 2013 which required governments to adopt an ad hoc plan and “four callsCarried out by the WHO in 2018. For days Sileri has been asking for the resignation of the current secretary general of the ministry. Giuseppe Ruocco, which in 2013 was responsible for Prevention, but also raises Ranieri War – current deputy director of the WHO and at the center of the scandal over the Organization’s report on the Italian response to the Covid withdrawn within 24 hours of May – and Claudio D’Amario. Sileri passes. Hope passes. But those remain, “insists the vice minister M5, explaining that now inside the ministry building” we need a internal audit, in short, a kind of revision. Hiding problems is useless. “

The issue of the pandemic plan was raised for the first time last May by the television broadcast Report and is at the center of the investigations of the Bergamo prosecutor, after the complaints presented by the committee of relatives of the victims of the Covid “We will inform”. Rai3 reporters claim the plan dates back to 2006 and has been renewed without change over the years, although the ministry’s website gives it “updated on December 15, 2016.” A dating that Guerra, in service with the ministry in the years in which it was to be reviewed, would have questioned when WHO researchers mentioned it in May in their report on the Italian management of the pandemic (which later disappeared). Confirming that the pandemic plan has always remained the same is also Sileri, in his book ‘The secret of Covid. Everything you don’t know about the pandemic‘(Role first editor), recently released. “In February workgroup“Established in the Ministry of Health” analyzed the last pandemic plan, launched in 2009, “the volume reads.” During these meetings our actions were decided. Then we tried to analyze especially the functionality of the last pandemic plan, launched in 2009 when Ranieri Guerra was still present, now at the WHO as deputy director, and which dates back to the time of Minister Fazio, when we had the H1N1 epidemic. Unfortunately, there have been no updates since 2010 ”.

Interviewed in The truth, Sileri backtracks the plan even further to 2006. But adds that “the point is not to have an ‘old’ plan, but to have a plan that, even if it is old, has been rejected. peripheral level“Which obviously never happened. Not even for the flu, a disease that the prevention documents obviously focused on before the arrival of Covid.” What has been done with the flu? Since I returned to Italy, that is , between 2005 and 2018, I never did a course on influenza at the hospital. Or on bioterrorism. Or on nuclear attacks. ”The health ministers who have alternated over the years, however, adds Sileri, have few Fallas. Guerra sent a letter dated 09/15/2017 in which there is a note on the renewal of the plan. The same thing that Claudio D’Amario did in 2018 with the minister Giulia Grillo“He explains to the newspaper. “And in fact Lorenzin and Grillo moved. The first instructed the practice, the second carried it out with much Work groups“The point is that” if I had been General Manager I would have written a note about the plan summarizing what happened in last ten years. Not simple pageOtherwise, Sileri insists, “how does a minister know where the job is?”neglect“From the administration.” Excuse me, in 2013, after the decision of the EU Parliament, what did Ruocco do? I wouldn’t sleep there at nightThen he adds to the dose, wondering how he manages to find “time to go for lunch, refusing journalists “and also” you are not even going to Cts meetings? Are we kidding? “.

The pentastellato deputy minister’s complaint now runs the risk of creating an earthquake within the ministry’s offices, especially if no clarification from the technicians arrives in the coming weeks. “It seems normal to him that he still hasn’t been able to figure out what happened exactly With this pandemic plan? ”Sileri told the Belpietro newspaper, urging an internal investigation. In the majority to speak is the undersecretary of health in dem quota Sandra Zampa, according to which “according to the words of Sileri I think it is important Let the ministry clarify the matter. Once cleared, it will prove its worth excess dramatization“He declared yesterday to Radio too. “There is a pandemic plan, if the new one is not there, there is the old one and they are valid those rules“Ranieri Guerra, for his part, who as a representative of the WHO is also part of the technical-scientific committee, affirms that a”smear campaign in the media“Unprecedented.” A combination of the mud machine and reasons that escape me, but that I think are linked to personal interests and political interests, of which I am only an intermediate target, “he said. “I have no secrets and I have nothing to hide,” says Guerra, saying that he is “really disoriented by this series of inconsistent attacks and acts of provocation of ambushes of street journalism that, given the delicacy of the moment, it seems to me that they have no reason to exist ”.
