Sandro Iacometti
So let’s do the math. In the current year, between aid, subsidies and miscellaneous expenses, the government has already allocated more than 100 billion charged in our public debt, another 40 are planned for the maneuver, then there is an additional budget gap, it is said of about twenty billion, scheduled for January while waiting for the 209 billion of the Recovery. A lot of things. And yet, it seems that we cannot find an iota of change to give a few euros to those who are going to give us vaccines. Possible? Let’s go in order. A couple of days ago, Commissioner Extraordinary Domenico Arcuri presented with great fanfare the great vaccination campaign that is expected to begin in mid-January. Logo (one spring), archistar (he has annoyed Stefano Boeri, who, unlike his brother, continues to collaborate with the government), effective motto (Italy is reborn with a flower) and a lot of optimism.
The ingredients for a good advertisement are all there. Moving on to the details a little more concrete, however, we realize that, as has already happened several times in recent months, the pieces are still scattered. Some are simply not there. Let’s take the gazebos. Vaccination will also begin shortly in the pavilions (1,500 in full operation) that will be installed in the main squares of Italian cities. And these are not tents, but elegant primrose structures designed by Boeri himself. At what point is the realization? “We are preparing a budget and the construction sheet for the gazebos”, explains Arcuri, “we think there will be many companies that will carry out this function pro bono, we hope and we are sure that this will happen, in some cases we already know; It will not be the economic issue to consider, many will give us or are giving us the fruit of their ingenuity and their work.
You did it well. For the appointment with history, for the operation that could free the country once and for all from the scourge that hit us, the anti-Covid commissioner trusts in the generosity of businessmen, in the good heart of a company that gives him the present. necessary. It’s hard to see if it’s a way to save some money or avoid other unpleasant bidding hassles. But go through the viewpoints. The injections can also be performed in an anonymously equipped van. But doctors, those can’t be replaced. Here is Arcuri’s version: “A couple of days ago we launched the call, to ask, as if we were at war, a kind of call to arms, 3,000 doctors and 12,000 nurses to help us in this campaign” . Here, he seems to understand, the announcement will be made. Fixed-term contracts for nine months. The mystery is where to find the cane. Are professionals available for a temporary assignment during this period? Boh. The nurses have already said it’s crazy. “Why not involve the more than 30 thousand workers who already work in the area and in the clinics, or the other 250 thousand between freelancers and individuals who would be happy to get involved and supplement their salary?”, Asked the president. Nursing Up, Antonio De Palma.
And the doctors? Same speech. With the addition that 3,000 will never be enough to manage the millions of vaccines that will pass through the viewpoints. And here is the solution: use the approximately 30 thousand apprentices. Also, there will be no need to pay for them. In return, they will receive, listen, and listen to many training credits. The hypothesis, which circulates insistently in health circles, has made Filippo Anelli, president of the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo) jump in his chair. “There is no training activity here,” he explains to Libero, “when you have to do a simple vaccination they are professional services and as such you have to pay for them.” Anelli does not explain the logic behind this idea, but one thing is certain: postgraduates run the risk of being taken for a walk. “They are not students,” he thunders, “but doctors in all respects who are increasing their skills and no one can afford to treat them differently from others, to mortify their professionalism.”
That the possibility is more than an idea that Arcuri has gotten into his head to get out of the mess with a loaf of bread and without having to sign too many paperwork, the students themselves tell us, according to which the minister of the University, Gaetano Manfredi would already do it. announced to the deans of medical schools the norm to make the vaccination campaign “the professional training activity”. “Aware of the gravity of the moment and eager to help the country once again”, protests Federica Viola, vice president of FederSpecializzandi, “we ask that our participation be properly recognized and paid as it would be for any other health professional, not simply abusing of our spirit of service. “Shame on one? Yes, but it passes. And the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, knows it well. In fact, it seems that since the beginning of the pandemic all health workers, according to As provided by Cura Italia, they receive a fee for each swab performed, all of them, the apprentices reveal, “except us.”