Rome, December 16, 2020 – A decisive day for the Christmas (and not just) Italians who could be ‘touched up’ by a new Dpcm. And the specter of aItaly in the red zone for the holidays it becomes more concrete by the hour. Ministers Boccia, Speranza and Commissioner Arcuri met this morning with the Regions to finalize the plan Vaccines for COVID-19 and discuss the additional restrictions that will be adopted. In these hours, the premier Conte watch the heads of delegation (Italia Viva absent) take stock. Official communications are unlikely to arrive before tomorrow morning, perhaps even over the weekend, after the new monitoring data from the ISS.
In any case, the line of government is already emerging from today’s meetings. The executive is at a crossroads: holiday lock or orange zone (maybe “reinforced”)? Just ban the movements between municipalities (with some exceptions) or full closure for the main days between December 24 and January 6?
“Italy towards the red zone”
The first indication comes from the meeting with the regions: the government has planned theItaly in the red zone from December 24 to January 7 to secure the country. Minister Speranza reportedly recalled that in the regions that entered the red zone there were significant results, while the other territories in the yellow zone suffered more. Some governors (Lazio, Molise, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche) agreed to adopt more restrictive measures. With Boccia and Speranza in particular, there is the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia. The concerns of Tuscany, as well as Liguria with Toti attacking: “The government cannot impose the red zone on us.”
No clear indications emerged from yesterday’s CTS meeting, as Palazzo Chigi perhaps wished. But a simple invitation to avoid meetings with more restrictive measures, increasing controls. The experts are divided, as are the ministers. “If the curve does not cool down, we run the risk of finding ourselves in an uncontrollable situation in January,” reason the so-called ‘penalty shooters’. “Italians can’t take it anymore, we can’t prevent them from leaving”, the thesis of those who ask for a relaxation.
In the last hours the P.S who, in words at least, spoke as a hard line. “Only more restrictive rules during the holidays can prevent a third wave of infections,” chirped the ‘penalty taker’ Franceschini. And the secretary dem Zingaretti retweeted. Even the Lazio D’Amato Councilor for Health says he agrees with “an extended red zone” throughout Italy. Italia Viva, which will not be represented at the meeting of heads of delegation (Minister Bellanova is in Brussels), assures “loyalty” by asking for “clear rules” and quick action. “Some measure” will come, Prime Minister Conte said last night, speaking of “tinkering.”
In fact, Zaia, very concerned about the escalation of infections in Veneto, asks the red zone until Epiphany. “During the Christmas season the maximum restrictions are needed, if the government does not put them we will do them – said Zaia – If we do not close everything now we will find ourselves starting again in January with a plateau that is too high.”
These are all the hot topics of the day that have yet to be eliminated.
Regions and colors
There is in the viewer Veneto, Puglia and Sardinia, where heRt index is still high. Unlikely a Color change after the usual control room on Friday, although the Covid trend in these regions could affect the decisions to be made in the face of the holidays.
It is one of the crucial points that is debated in the government. Boccia said the planned decision covers three days “December 25, 26 and January 1.” When, established by the Dpcm, the movements between municipalities. In recent days there has been talk of a possible loosening between small neighboring municipalities, which may allow it to move within a 30-kilometer radius from its municipality. Understand whether the measure will apply only to municipalities below a certain threshold of inhabitants (small municipalities, in fact) or to all. But in the last hours the hypothesis of aItaly red zone at that time, which would mean the prohibition of moving house except for the now famous “proven needs” or “situations of need”. Boccia said yesterday that we must “close as much as possible of the days leading up to the holidays”, closing the doors on Christmas dinner (“My answer is no”).
The topic of “pre-holidays” also remains open, such as December 24 and 31. At the moment they are excluded from the stoppage to movements between municipalities, but the game is played at this time. There would also be the road that leads to a red zone on holidays and orange the day before holidays. But it seems waterproof and clashes with the transversal requirement of simplicity and clarity of measurements. Speranza and Boccia are hardliners, Italia Viva and part of the 5 Star Movement want to avoid any kind of blockade.
Harder the curfew in Italy it would go against the decisions made to give oxygen to the stores. Penalties are pushing to extend it until 8 p.m., at least on the hot days of the holidays. Activating it at that time also on December 24 would mean setting off the Christmas mass, already anticipated so as not to exceed the time established by the Dpcm of December 3.
Shops and restaurants
The question is complex. The CTS has suggested a “tightening in bars and restaurants”, calling for “more rigor”. However, these are the activities that are suffering the most restrictions. If all of Italy does not end in the red zone, among the options is that of a ‘reinforced’ orange, with the closure of shops and restaurants on holidays and days before holidays. That is, from December 24 to 27 and from January 31 to 3 inclusive. Besides the Epiphany. Italia Viva took a position this morning: “We are waiting for scientific evidence, we cannot change the rules in the first photo of the meetings,” Senate leader Davide Faraone said today. The game is far from over.
Coronavirus Veneto, Battiston: enough yellow area
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