The arm fight in the government and between the government and the technicians for Christmas tightens the rules to contain the coronavirus epidemic. Giuseppe Contein fact, it would be due to a soft line, with only small adjustments to the December 3 Dpcm. A line that contrasts with part of that of the Cts and with that of Roberto Speranza. But not only. Now the Democratic Party is also taking to the field, which, close to the 12 o’clock summit, anticipates its positions with the words, on Twitter, of Dario Franceschini: “It is time for strict elections of the government and Parliament, only more restrictive rules during the holidays can prevent a third wave of infections – he says -. For us who have institutional responsibilities it is a duty intervene today without hesitation to save lives tomorrow, “he thundered. Harsh words directed with absolute evidence at Conte.” Without hesitation, “the Pd insinuates the prime minister. In short, even the Democrats, between the lines (but not too much) criticize Conte, they attack him just as he has been doing for days. Matteo renzi with all Italia Viva. Franceschini’s words, by the way, were retweeted by Nicola ZingarettiPd secretary: anyway, that’s the Pd line. And the political data is very important: Conte, in the most difficult moment for him since he was the Giallorossi government, seems to be about to be fired by the Democratic Party as well. The edge tightens, hour after hour.