Naples, the miracle of San Gennaro is not repeated: “The blood is solid”


The fact, as never before in this dramatic period marked by the pandemic, is full of suggestions and meanings. The Neapolitans are looking forward to it. And the wait will continue, for now, at least until the afternoon. In fact, the miracle of the liquefaction of the blood of San Gennaro has not yet been renewed.

The prodigy is scheduled for today, December 16, the last of the three dates on which it is traditionally repeated. The abbot of the Chapel of San Gennaro of the Cathedral of Naples, Monsignor Vincenzo De Gregorio, announced that for now the miracle has not been renewed at the end of the mass celebrated at 9 o’clock at the altar of the Cathedral: “When we took out the reliquary of the safe – explained the abbot – the blood was absolutely solid and remains absolutely solid “. And on social networks, as expected, believers and laity have begun to publish their considerations of various kinds.

Meanwhile, not even at the end of the second mass did the blood of San Gennaro melt. The prayers of the faithful awaiting the announcement continue in the Cathedral. At 12 noon the reliquary will be returned to the Chapel of the Treasury and will resume again at 4.30 pm. At 6.30 pm another mass will be celebrated in the presence of the Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, during which the faithful hope that the full announcement of the miracle will be given to them and to the city.


At 9 am, the abbot of the Chapel of San Gennaro, Monsignor De Gregorio, took the reliquary with the blood of the Patron Saint from the safe of the Chapel and took it to the main altar of the Cathedral for the celebration of mass. The locket will be returned to the Chapel at 12 o’clock to resume again at 4.30 p.m. The prayers still continue.

Mass will be celebrated at 6.30 pm, in the hope that the faithful will finally receive the announcement of the miracle on that occasion. “In recent times, in December, the blood usually melts with delay – explains the abbot to Republic – The celebration will last only one day, if the miracle happens tomorrow we will not know ”.

The prodigy

That is why today we celebrate the third appointment with the prodigy of the liquefaction of the blood of the patron saint in memory of the narrow escape of Naples from the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631.

The prodigy of December is called “secular miracle” because it takes place in the Chapel of San Gennaro, administered by the Diputación de San Gennaro, a secular institution founded on January 13, 1527 by vote of the city and presided over by the mayor of Naples . This year, however, the celebrations take place in the main altar of the Cathedral to guarantee the necessary space provided by the anti-Covid regulations, which is difficult to guarantee inside the Chapel.
