The work of the prefects fights, the Regions slow down: the school at a crossroads



There is great concern in the government about what could happen on holidays. The contagion curve does not drop and, above all, the daily death toll remains dramatic.

Back to school for high schools starting Jan 7 (for 75%) will depend on what happens in the next two weeks. Christmas, New Years and Epiphany are days that concern both the government and the CTS. A squeeze for the holidays is almost certain (it will be necessary to understand if all of Italy will be a red zone or some areas) and the only exemption granted in trips between municipalities could be that of cities with less than 5,000 inhabitants and for a radius of 30 km. .

At 12.30 the destination of the Christmas Italians. The sentence will come from a summit, which promises to be fiery, between the premier Giuseppe Conte and the majority heads of delegation Dario Franceschini (Pd), Roberto Speranza (LeU), Alfonso Bonafede (5Stelle) and Teresa Bellanova (Italia Viva), which will be attended by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia.

At a press conference on Tuesday, the director general of the Ministry of Health, Gianni Rezza, was clear: it is still too early to talk about reopening schools, the curve has not yet cooled down and, above all, the virus is circulating steadily in some regions (as in Veneto).

The return to school on January 7 will likely be decided in the week between Christmas and New Years, but as Il Messaggero reports, it seems difficult to return after Epiphany. The incidence of cases remains high and as long as the daily figures do not fall below the quota of 5 thousand – 10 thousand cases, it is difficult to talk about returning to activities in presence. The Regions refrain from going back to class and the work of the prefects on the staggering of the entries is limping.

