New anti-Covid measures will arrive for Christmas


Without further action, the Christmas now at the gates he runs the risk of becoming the first in history to end up locked up.

To ventilate thehypothesis of a total closure It is the Ministry of Health – through the voice of the Director of Prevention, Gianni Rezza – that seeks the support of the experts of the Scientific Technical Committee to give greater weight to a new ventilated Christmas grip. Shore that, however, does not reach.

The technicians, in fact, were divided and the river encounter is archived with a report, signed unanimously, in which a strengthening of controls by the police forces is requested, but in which the red, orange or yellow zones are not mentioned at all. This is the idea of ​​scientists, it is a decision for the government.

“It was a difficult and intense meeting – admits the coordinator of the CTS, Agostino Miozzo -. Finally we reached a meeting point and unanimously shared the need to tighten the measures Contagion containment. Therefore, we suggest that Minister Roberto Speranza and the government consider the provisions of the legislation already in force. And at night it is the premier himself, Giuseppe Conte, to announce the “Plan the Christmas season” with an “adjustment” that will lead to “some further action”.

Today’s newsletter speaks of another 846 deaths and almost 15 thousand new cases, for a ratio between swabs and positives that falls below 10% (9.1%). Numbers that make us feel anything but calm, as Rezza himself admits during the weekly press conference.

«The data of the dead – he said – it’s really very high and this indicates that in these 2-3 months the number of infected is large, with a massive resumption of the epidemic. Without calculating, then, that intensive care (3,003 in Italy today) and hospitalizations (27,342) are still “above the critical threshold”.

In particular, it is the Veneto which records the record of victims (165) and more than 3,000 new infections. “The situation is heavy – admits the governor, Luca Zaia -: it is as if almost 7 large provincial hospitals were oriented to patients with Covid”.

The umpteenth invitation to “Don’t let your guard down” It came from the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte. “We have reached the end of this year going through a pandemic crisis that has disrupted our economy and our society – he said at the Coldiretti assembly – and we still must not lower the threshold of care.” “Three very difficult winter months await us – the Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, echoes him -: this means self-discipline and I think Italy will respond:” first health and then business, because without life there is no matter “.

Crowd in the center of Rome on Sunday, December 13 – Photo Ansa / Riccardo Antimiani ©

With the approach of the “hottest” days of Christmas, the plan drawn up by the Ministry of the Interior, with the use of 70 thousand agents They will be joined by the military already working on Safe Roads. Meanwhile, the government will meet with the Regions precisely to understand if and how to implement new restrictions to avoid dangerous meetings seen last weekend and avoid unnecessary trips.

The CTS recommends paying special attention to confined spaces or where it is possible to remove the mask. The governors, for their part, demand “clarity”, but there are not a few who ask Palazzo Chigi different measures based on contagion data, thus avoiding a single large red zone.

Deep down then the government crisis looms, with Matteo Renzi pressing Prime Minister Conte and divisions sharper than ever with Pd. A fracture that also moves in the Senate where the majority failed to present a joint motion on the movements. Today two different texts arrived, the first from dem to request mobility between small municipalities on vacation, the other from Italia Viva to commit the government to arrange openings or closings based on scientific data. The next few are days of fire, with the government grappling with a decision that seems as unpopular as it is necessary to avoid the dreaded third wave.