Enrico Currò, signed by La Repubblica, spoke as a telephone guest on “We are Genoa”, a thematic program broadcast by the Telenord station. “For years, the Griffin has been stuck in the habit of salvation, as in the decades in which it dropped downgrades to B and promotions to A, but with two substantial differences: before there were fewer teams and no television rights. The championship, however, remains anomalous: it is slower football where older teams find it more difficult. Genoa has significant physical strength and injury recovery problems»Currò explained.
On Maran’s confusion: “From a historical point of view, only Gasperini lasted longer on the rossoblù bench. The Piedmontese technician managed to build a cycle in Genoa that lasted about eight years. After Gasperini, nobody has had his strong personality anymore: it is a problem that I see in the current squad».
«Beautiful? Before Covid-19, with its strengths and weaknesses, the president was one of the veterans present in the Serie A League. It is physiological to encounter a period of fatigue after a long period in soccer.»Glosses Currò.