At the Montebelluna morgue, the bodies were no longer there and they were transferred to a village in the area. “We are collapsing,” shouts the hospital’s doctors’ union, thus shaking the specter of Bergamo. “But no, there are no army trucks here and there is no one left to die. The problem is that patients from another hospital converge ”, Francesco Benazzi, general director of the Treviso health company, throws water on the fire. This is a land of very high contagion, so even funerals have to wait because relatives cannot leave home. But the dead are too many and dreadful.
Reduced rate surgeries, “more hospitalizations than in March and April”
One hundred kilometers later, in Verona, they are hastily releasing dozens of places in intensive care: “Ordinary activity, mainly surgical, will go down to make room for Covid,” sighs the director of the hospital, Francesco Cobello. but denying the shocking testimony of a nurse who spoke of “chaos and deaths in the corridor.” Then there is Schiavonia, in the Lower Padovana theater of the first cases and rising to an example of effectiveness in the fight against the virus, where the head of anesthesia and resuscitation, Fabio Baratto, shakes his head: “I am very worried because I have more hospitalizations in March and April, there are no staff and what there is is reduced to the limit. I have to say, unfortunately: we are showing signs of decreasing “.
Peak of infections and deaths
Treviso, Verona, Padua. But in Veneto the problem is general and the joyous health machine that had brilliantly passed the first wave exam is slowing down. The figures certify it: yesterday the region produced the worst in Italy in terms of infections (3,324) and deaths (165), even higher than those of Lombardy, which has always been the national black sheep. “We are the new Lombardy,” say the pessimists. For the dead it is a peak, which could also have been affected by the summation effect of the weekend, but which Governor Luca Zaia himself does not exist to define as “heavy”: “Yes, a serious situation, with more than three thousand hospitalized “. It is as if almost seven large provincial hospitals are targeting Covid. Obviously we are no longer afraid of dying … ».
“Consumer margin of the uncivilized”
Zaia is angry at the “consumerist fringe of the uncivilized” that has taken cities by storm. But at the same time it tries to preserve the turnover of restaurateurs, bartenders, hoteliers, and condemns those who want to stop their activities: “It is easy to say that we close everything with the wallets of others.” On the one hand, it persecutes those who crowd the premises, on the other, it defends those who open them, walking on the brink of the new pandemic like a tightrope walker and perhaps waiting for the government to impose restrictions.
“The productive world is the one that infects the most”
But there are results of a study requested by the Region that seem to leave no doubt about what is happening in this area. Francesca Russo, doctor and head of the Region’s Prevention Department, a bit director of the Veneto model and has always been shy with the media, spoke about it yesterday: “The average mortality rate of the last three years was considered. The excess of this average stood at 38% between the end of March and the beginning of April. During the summer it fell drastically, in the first 15 days of November it rose to 32% and in the second half of the same month it reached 44% ». The most infected range is between 25 and 64 years, 75 is the average age of hospitalization and mortality increases from that threshold. Conclusion: “The productive world is the one that is most contagious and acts as a vector for the elderly who end up in hospital and sometimes die.”
The paradox of the yellow zone
If the situation is therefore the following, why is Veneto still the yellow zone? It is a question of parameters, of indices, which naturally affect the percentage of occupation in intensive care. There are a thousand places available, according to the Region, and 588 hospitalized, 58%, a level that seems reassuring. “It is a doped figure, the truth is that hospitals in some areas are close to breaking point,” lights the fuse Adriano Benanzato, secretary of the hospital’s doctors union. “There is no trick,” says Paolo Rosi, coordinator of intensive care in the Veneto region -. We can reach that number of beds, considering those that are installed even though they are not normally functional and those that can be converted into other departments. Benanzato doesn’t fit: «Reconvertible? But how can the number of places be doubled if there are no longer doctors? ». Not to mention, one in two intensive care patients leaves their feathers on us.
The rise of obituaries
Beyond any discussion, the crosses remain. And there is one parameter that will not be very scientific but it will be significant: the obituaries. About him Vicenza newspaper, another province with great circulation, normally a couple of columns were made, now it’s a page and a half. Which, however, is not the ten printed byEcho of Bergamo in the black days of the pandemic. “But it must be said that our obituaries have a cost and these days people tend to save,” explains Marino Smiderle, editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Those stationed in cemeteries, as in Schio, however, do not lie. And there are many more. “
December 16, 2020 (change December 16, 2020 | 08:42)