The Trumpian boycott loses momentum and important figures. William Barr, Minister of Justice, He delivered his letter of resignation on Monday and will step down on December 23. Yesterday, however, the leader of the Republican Senators, Mitch McConnell, after having wandered for weeks, acknowledged Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 elections: “The Electoral College has spoken. We would have liked to get different results, but now I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden and Representative Kamala Harris, the first woman to hold this position. “
McConnell’s departure was preceded by similar statements made by a dozen conservative senators., some particularly close to Trump, like Lindsey Graham. The incumbent president, therefore, is increasingly alone in the White House bunker and, above all, in the virtual one built on Twitter.
Barr’s detachment, barely a month after the natural expiration of his term, perhaps counts more for its symbolic value than for its political importance. The 70-year-old New York-born Attorney General, the son of Columbia University professors, is an orthodox Republican with long experience in government. At age 41, he became Minister of Justice, appointed by George HW Bush. He remained in office from 1991 to 1993, before moving to the private sector. Trump called him to the government on February 14, 2019, at one of the crucial moments. In those days the publication of the Report on the Russiagate, prepared by super attorney Robert Mueller. Barr managed to cushion its impact, with a selective handling of the text and turning Mueller’s doubts into a complete acquittal of Trump: there is no collusion with the Russian government to damage the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Since then, Barr has led the Justice Department, the most independent institution within the government, adrift. The minister took pleasure in Trump’s conspiracy theories. In August 2019, for example, he appeared in Italy asking for information on Professor Joseph Misfud, suspected of having conspired with British, Italian and other secret services to spread false news about relations between Trump and Putin. A theorem judged without any foundation by American intelligence. And again, the minister had no qualms about intervening in the trials against Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, associates of The Donald. He resurrected the death penalty at the federal level on July 25, 2019, breaking a 16-year moratorium. Supported the order to deploy mounted police against protesters from Black lives matter, June 2, 2020.
But even the most loyal of Barr did not resist Trump’s latest and broken assault on the legitimacy of the election. On December 1, he declared that “he had not found any significant fraud”, drawing the president’s ire. On December 14 he preferred to leave.
December 15, 2020 (change December 15, 2020 | 22:15)